Passive Aggressive Symptoms

Passive Aggressive behavior can be very damaging to an individual socially or even to the productivity of an organization. Some of the actions of passive aggressive people are done unconsciously. Sometimes, people might tell you about your behavioral change. If you suspect to be passive aggressive, or want to disapprove these allegations, what are some of the signs you should look for?
1. Contradictory Behavior
This is an instance where a person agrees to behave in the affirmative way, but does the contrary. You are brainstorming ideas; you suggest an idea that everyone embraces. You delegate duties, and the person with a passive aggressive disorder fails to meet their end of their bargain.
2. Being too Critical
Passive aggressive people disguise their critical nature with compliments. If you are not a good listener, you take the compliments positively. It is only after you settle that you realize the criticism in their compliments.
3. Procrastination
Because an individual does not comply with the delegated duties, they keep on pushing forward the tasks. This is most likely an attempt to eventually push it out of the timeline, giving them a way out. Remember they were not for the idea in the fast place.
4. Underperforming
You get on board with a project, give a good sign by kick starting as expected. Eventually, you begin to slow down on the project intentionally avoiding meeting set timelines. This delaying tact leads to underperformance and can jeopardize the entire project.
5. Silent Treatment
Passive aggressive people are more often silent in discussions. The silence can be translated as being in agreement with suggestions. To break their silence, they always give one-word responses, which are in the affirmative. Eventually, they end up going contrary to plan.
6. Complaining of Lack of Appreciation
When the ball is not played as per their instructions, they take it as being unappreciated. Passive aggressive people are quick to perceive themselves as victims of injustice or unappreciation. Instead of speaking about their ill-perceived treatment, they take it on non performing.
7. Hostility
passive aggressive people sweat the small stuff instead of embracing communication. For instance, you might forward them a quick assignment. Instead of them letting you know they are busy, they still take it. They fail to deliver it on time, and when you question them they jump the gun, as opposed to giving an explanation in the first place.
8. Acting Stubborn
They get under your skin by simply refusing to do what is expected of them. They still show up late despite warnings, they still ignore emails despite informing them of the importance of replying emails. It becomes hard turning them around.
Passive aggressiveness is however not permanent. It is a pattern that can be changed with relevant skills and help. People branding you unreliable, a procrastinator, a late comer, can all change if you are open for help. It all starts with an individual realizing these shortcomings and choosing to do something.