Passive Aggressive Traits

Forcing people to do what you want them to do under a disguise so that neither do they judge you or hate you defines Passive Aggressive behavior in simple terms. Deemed by psychologists as an identity disorder, a person suffering from it displays classical behavioral traits. These traits are often mistaken as general attributes of stress. However, the reality is far more different.
1. Unwillingness to Express
When asked for a general opinion regarding a particular thing people suffering from it are often unwilling to express their viewpoint. Or in some cases as it is observed people tend to contrast the way they behave with respect to what they speak in turn confusing everyone around.
2. Claims to be Treated Unfairly
Another trait that can be easily noticed in passive aggressive individuals is their absurd claim of being treated unfairly on all occasions. This claim is basically a tactical strategy to take advantage for wanting things to proceed in their way under the name of equality.
3. Procrastination
Delay in doing things is a very common in passive aggressive people. They control others by making them wait and giving genuine excuses for the delay. Meanwhile, even the unreasonable excuses start to sound valid because of their claim for unfair treatment.
4. Lack of Straight Forwardness
Passive aggressive people are the least straight forward one can ever expect to meet. Since, they hide their true motives you can never expect them to answer any of your questions honestly or clearly. They answer only to create more confusion so that you end up doing what they want.
5. Feeling Superior than the Rest
Passive Aggressive people always feel they are superior to everyone else. Despite of being a failure or inadequate in their own work they tend to believe they are outstanding and perfect in every accord. This leads to them being hostile towards others.
6. Being Silent and Withdrawing
Most of the times, passive aggressive people appear to be silent and withdrawing of things. This helps them gain attention and sympathy of the others. Furthermore they also act as sulking so that people believe them when they claim to be treated unfairly.
7. Display Inefficiency
People suffering from passive aggressive disorder are inefficient in fulfilling any duties or responsibilities given to them. They fail to stand true to anyone’s expectation and in turn express anger towards people harboring expectations.
8. Blaming Others Constantly
The favorite game that a passive aggressive person plays is the blame game. They blame others for their own shortcomings and failures not directly rather indirectly through sarcasm mainly. They also resent others for being the reason to cause troubles and woes in their life.
In general passive aggressive people are not what they appear to be. They hide their true self and shroud it with a fake personality to fool others in order to make things work the way they want them to.