Blogging Helps You Better Navigate Life

Shocking isn't it?People exist that just don't "get" blogging.Not all bloggers get paid. Efforts that don't result in money are considered worthless. I had dinner recently with people who said exactly that to me.
1. Bloggers are good conversationalists
They key to successful blogging is networking. You are better able to get to know other bloggers if you can make conversation.
Social media is about being social. When you converse with a fashion blogger, a parenting blogger, an entertainment blogger, a news blogger, a DIY blogger, or a blogging adice blogger (I couldn't leave myself out), you comment on their posts.
This ability to converse about all sorts of topics transfers to life outside of the Blogosphere and makes you a better conversationalist.
2. Bloggers are disciplined
Blogging has been called as time-consuming as a second job.Because you are no longer school-age, you don't have a parent or teacher reminding you to do your necessary blogging tasks like filling your editorial calendar with ideas for upcoming posts, researching, writing, and promoting your posts, or keeping with your publication schedule you've set for your blog so that you don't disappoint your readers.
You have to be disciplined enough to do those tasks as well as take care of your responsibilities outside of the Blogosphere.
3. Bloggers are excellent multi-taskers
Because you need to take care of your blogging responsibilities as well as the obligations that you are committed to in the rest of your life, bloggers are great multi-taskers.In essence we have two lives--one in and one out of the Blogosphere. For this reason, we have to do twice as much in the same amount of time that non-bloggers have. Clearly, bloggers excel at multi-tasking.
4. Bloggers are resilient
It is normal for bloggers to feel overwhelmed with all they have to do to keep up with their personal, professional, and blogging responsibilities.
Bloggers know their limitations, so they don't get sick. For example, they know how much sleep they can function on in order to get in all their responsibilities.I had a blogger write me to explain she gets it all done because she has learned to function on five hours sleep a night.
Bloggers have an endurance they built up because of blogging.
5. Bloggers are great friends
Bloggers are each other's support systems.This occurs on social media like Facebook and Google+ groups as well as blogs.People need help with blogging, they turn to other bloggers. They help and support each other which is what friends do.I know bloggers that "talk" every day. They spend Christmas night on the computer together.When bloggers have blogging successes like a post that goes viral, often the first person they tell is another blogger who will understand the adrenaline rush.Successful blogging, which comes from successful networking, evolves into friendships. Bloggers have this skill of knowing how to make friends.Because they navigate the social media waters as bloggers, they are experts at being social.
6. Bloggers are life-long learners
A blogger of six years told me she is still learning the craft of blogging Bloggers have to be life-long learners since technology which exists to help them keeps evolving.Stat pages changes, apps get invented, new social media sites emerge. These are all examples of new skills bloggers have to master.Resting on your laurels? No such thing in blogging.
7. Bloggers are humble
There are always bloggers with more traffic or more followers. Professional bloggers will find there is always someone making more money.
Bloggers admit when they don't "know it all" and turn to other bloggers, blogging groups, or Twitter chats to get their questions answered.
Vanity has no place in blogging.In closing, learning does not always have to occur in a classroom. It also occurs in the Blogosphere. Bloggers get great value from blogging whether or not they earn a cent.Readers, if you think bloggers or nonbloggers would be interested in all the value blogging brings, please share.What do you think? Did I miss any? Can you think of any other skills that blogging brings? Did I get any wrong? I look forward to your views in the comments section.