Lupus is Killing Me, Positive Thoughts Helps Me Survive

Lupus is a chronic, autoimmune disease that can damage any part of the body (skin, joints, and/ or organ inside the body). Chronic means that the signs and symptoms tend to last longer than six week and often for many years. To be honest, I have never knew about this before until 10 years ago I heard one of my friends struggled to live due to Lupus.
1. Professional career
Make You a Highly Successful Professional
Let’s name my friend with Erick (37 years old). We had attended the same university studying the same major and we have never met again until now after the graduation ceremony. Everyone knows Erick as a nice and diligent guy.
After college, he begun his professional career in a huge pharmaceutical company for two or three years. He used to share his working experience to all of us, his college friends, through a mailing list. But suddenly he disappeared for couple of times and came back with new stories that we never expected.
2. Be Responsible
At first he told us about the nose bleeding that made him inconvenience at work. Then his body became weak and weak over times. While he had to struggle to the disease that he suffered, he was still active work and tried to finish all the task given and was still responsible to his duty.
Fainting was something that often happen to him during the early period. The insurance from his office was almost exceeding the limits but the pain was still continue. We never had an idea about the disease he suffered, until a doctor diagnosed him with Lupus.
3. Committed to Your Goal
Success Tips To Achieve Your Goals
Had been shocked, of course. Lupus is not kind of an illness that will get over on a few days. As Erick had started to adapt this condition, another complication came up, his sight became lesser and lesser all the time. He was no longer working in any company again but he never surrender to his pain, never.
Loosing his sight doesn’t mean he loose all the world, otherwise, this condition inspired him to invlove actively in a foundation dedicated to blind people. He gave seminar about Lupus, took the initiative in blood donation activities, and held many social/ charity events to gain fund in order to keep the foundation he involves in running. He never stop motivating people; either they’re blind or not, either they’re form a lupus or not.
4. Ask Yourself
Maintain That Positive Attitude In Life
Everyday was like a brand new day for him. He learned many things new to help him coping his situation eversince. His spirit was just like a machine driven him to the new stage of his life. Yes, medical care helps him go through all of these for sure, but the most important thing that we can learn from him is his attitude toward his condition.
He never blame on anyone nor God for what happened to him. Rather, he thank God for the ‘second chance’ to be a better man. He found the positive side of his life by thinking positive things he own. He believe that being positive is his choice; positive in terms of thinking, attitudes, and behaviors.
5. Progress in Work
There are around 5 million people all over the worldlive with Lupus. It strikes mostly women age 15 – 44. However, children, teenagers, and men develop Lupus too. Compare to Caucasians, women of color are two to three times more likely to develop lupus. People of all races and groups of ethnic can develop Lupus.
With regards to the treatment, people who diagnosed having Lupus symptoms may need a family doctor, rheumatologist, clinical immunologist, nephrologist, hematologist, dermatologist, neurologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, occupational therapist, nurses, psychologist, and social worker.
6. Discover Your Passion
What’s The Life Purpose of Most Successful People?
We have read the story Erick, a 35 years old man with Lupus. He had shown to us his courage against all the symptoms, pains, and inconvenience feeling due to Lupus. Keeping positive thoughts is the key for him to survive and go trhough it all.
But what exactly the things we must do when we found there is someone around us suffering Lupus? What should they do to deal with this illness?Or, if it’s you, what are you going to do? Please find below some tips might be useful:
- Accept the reality of having Lupus. Denial will only make it worse. By accepting the condition, you will be in a mind and spiritual state that allows you to move forward instead of stuck in a moment.
- Find the strength point of yourself. Find something that you never thought before and utilize it to boost your energy to reach your dream. Remember, don’t be surprised when you realize that you have to change your dreams. Changes are somethings that we can not avoid in this life.
- Find or form a self help group to share your experiences, stories, and take time to listen to others as well. Knowing that you are not alone and surrounded by people similar to you, facilitated by an expert and wise person, will help you reducing your negative feelings.
- Put attention to your medical care. Lupus deals with physical symptoms and you need medicine to keep you active all over the time.
- Follow what the experts say, if you need a diet, do it. If you need a low impact exercise, do it.
- Do not smoke and take enough time to rest your body and soul. Though being positive and active is good, but do not push yourself too hard.
- Take time to pray and talk to God. This is the way for you to find a peace after all the hard times you’ve been through.
Last but not least, most people with Lupus can live normally or having a near-normal life span. It depends on how severe the disease is. For Erick, living his life as he lives nowadays is another gift from God. All he needs to do is keeping his thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors positively. As he said, “Lupus is killing me, positive thoughts help me survive.”