Most Expensive Turntables

These are extravagant and super costly. But hey, a person can dream right? These are high end luxury items and super expensive but because of the beautiful design they are totally worth it! Let’s check out the most expensive ones:
1. Goldmund's Reference II - Price: US $ 300,000
With only a limited number of these pieces on the planet, they are said to be the most expensive and every music enthusiasts' dream gadget. The Reference II turntable features a degree of refinement and a number of never-seen-before features.
2. Basis Audio's Work of Art turntable Price: US $150,000
One of the leading turntable manufacturers of the world, it guarantees high quality systems to the music-lovers. Audiophiles fancy the quality of vinyl as a musical source, and the very best turntables are built on a philosophy of weight and stability.
3. TransrotorArtus Price: US $150,000
Weighing 220kg, these come from the house of the German company, Transrotor. The Artus has a contact-less magnetic field drive, a balanced arm and new electronics.
4. Clearaudio Statement Price: US $125,000
The pertinently named Statement, priced at $125,000 is basically an assembly of wood, aluminum, and other sundry bits that has only one endeavor, to play records, and play them outstandingly well.
5. Continuum Caliburn Price: $90,000 to $112,000
6. DaVinciAudio Labs AAS Gabriel Price: US $41,250
7. SME 30 Turntable Price: US $40,000
8. Proscenium Black Diamond Turntable Price: US $40,000
9. ClearAudio Master Reference Price: US $19,000
10. TEAC's VPI HR-X1 turntable Price: $19,000
Every musician’s dream are these beautiful, expensive and luxurious turntables giving these music lovers the best of the music world.