Top Avenues To Spend Money On Before You Turn 50

Although money can't buy you happiness, but it makes sure you have plenty before you get even remotely close to the thought. A large section of the population now prefers relaxed life with good amenities. There are certain things that one should consider buying and spending money on before hitting those 50 golden years.
Below mentioned are some of the priorities that should serve as the most fascinating and desirable list of 'things' to expend on before you hit 50:
1. Passion or a Hobby
While most of us are the unfortunate participants of the never ending race to become wealthy, successful, have a large house with a beautiful spouse etc., we ignore the most important aspect to attend to – our passion. It’s obviously good to have that long lost passion revive your head, and investing some time and resources in the same are worth it. A hobby or a passion is something that brings a cheerful smile to your face, refreshes your inner most and uplifts the mood. Be it a car, bike, gardening, bungee jumping, or even a pet; one should have something to commit complete self to.
2. House/Property
Real estate is one of many avenues that has been left untouched by the economic recession. Before you consider buying a property, it is smart to look at few parameters: how is it going to be in coming years or so and most importantly does it fit your budget. Investing in a house or a property is one of the best things to consider and most important over all. Decorating and transforming a house into a home is nothing but a reflection of who you really are – leads the list of best buy.
3. Travel
Travelling is an amazing way to explore the world. Living a life out of one's comfort zone is indeed very rewarding. Think of all the new places, experiences, people and above all the stories that would be made alongside. One should not wait till he/she gets retired or turn 50 or 60. Hit it while the hammer is hot. Travelling not only helps you realize your hidden potential, it also acts as one of the best teacher to help you reassess yourself and push you closer to, well 'YOU'.
4. Ride
It would be insolent to blame the elderly do not have the taste for fancy cars or bikes. After you have met your debts, paid your bills, all in all put up a good show, buying a car/bike that you have been anticipating is worth an investment. Substance over style is probably a trend rather than a fashion. Thus if it fits your pocket, go for it. Who wouldn't want to go for a ride on a beautiful Sunday morning to the most cherished place with the one they adore.
5. Philanthropy
Empathy and compassion form an integral part of oneself. However, not more than a handful of people are actually exercising this practice. Once you have achieved the state of self-satisfaction, it won’t hurt to make some time and effort on helping people, initiating little initiatives for under-privileged. Cultivate the habit of giving. Instead of throwing away books, you can donate them to a public library, used clothes to an orphanage, charity to an old-age home.
While most of us are busy in making a life out of hard work for livelihood, spending on something that you love is worth considering. Although for the sake of discussion the age has been set to golden years, it is always advisable to earn, live and life while you can.