10 Things to Remember When You are in Depression

Depression is a dreary thing which appears like a vicious circle. Early in the morning, you get up, step out of your home in the hope that you are going to enjoy all day along. But suddenly everything goes for a toss; it may happen that you are saddened by the harsh behavior of your boss; it may also happen that your colleague might have played a bad trick on you and you bear the brunt of his misdeed.
If you closely watch the events that happen around you, you come to realize that you can do nothing to control the situation. You can only develop the power to tide over the bad times or live with them.
When you face a depression, there are certain things you should keep in mind. They are:
1. Stay at Home Doing Nothing
The prime reason why you feel depressed is because you are guilty of something. You have an ill feeling towards yourself because you can't do something. You crib about yourself without the knowledge of others for petty things like you can't do your job effectively or your friends left you because they don't find you interesting, etc.
The main thing you have to do is to sit idle at home doing nothing. This would probably help you to get rid of the guilty feeling in you.
2. Take Your Dog for a Walk
How long can you sit at home? Doesn't your skin look gloomy because you don't get exposed to the sun for a long time? Take your dog for a walk and get exposed to the sun for at least half an hour. An excellent way to provide nutrition to your skin!
3. Think You are not the Only One Who is Down with Depression
Whenever you are in emotional doldrums, just think there are some others who are also facing the same situation. If all others who are facing the same situation can live happily, why can't you? Just think that it is only a passing cloud and things are going to be normal again.
4. Your People will Understand You
Your mother, father or whoever is there in your family will understand you and help you come out of this emotional trauma. Share something with them. It will be a great relief for you. Worry will get halved when you share your feelings with others. Your family members understand you better than anyone else in this world.
5. You are Your Boss
Happiness or sadness are the results of your own actions. If you think everything around you is bad, it will make you dull and gloomy. Instead, if you think everything around you brings happiness, you will be glad.
6. If You Want Something Different to Happen, Do it Yourself
You are depressed thinking that nothing new happens to you. If that is the reason for your grief, try to do new things or old things differently. Don't wait for things to happen. Be daring and do it yourself.
7. Have Faith and Move On
Happiness and sadness are like the two sides of the same coin. If you are facing depression now, that means that you are going to enjoy your life soon. So have faith in you and get going! Believe that good day is yet to come!
8. Support Groups will Help to Come Out of Depression
Join support groups to let out your woes and worries in an impassioned way. This will get the worst out of you. This will at least help you to sleep peacefully for some time.
9. Stay Away from Smoking or Drinking
Realize the fact that drinking and smoking can land you in much more complicated problems. So, stay away from them.
10. Help Yourself to Get Out of It
Keep yourself in the company of good people who will keep you in the spirits. This will help you a lot to save yourself from depression.
These are the 10 things to keep in mind when you are in a depression.