9 Things Every Man Should Do Before Getting Married

Living a life as a bachelor with no restriction is fun! But when you meet the right person, marriage suddenly becomes an option. So, before you are tied down by the holy matrimony here are 9 things every man should do before getting married.
Ask Yourself the Tough Question
One of the key ingredients of having a fulfilling marriage is to know you are ready for a family life. Ask yourself the tough question! Am I ready to settle down? Is she the one I want to share my life with? Will I be able to keep her Happy and contented? If your answer to all of the above question is "yes", then go for it!
Stay a Whole Week with a Married Couple
Staying with a married couples for a couple of weeks will give you firsthand experience of what marriage is all about. You get to know the ups and downs of a marriage and even how to hang on during marital difficulties.
Take a Wild Adventure Trip with your Close Friends
Plan with your close friends and college friends to take a trip to a foreign place or even go to your favorite cabin in the woods for a weekend. You can use the time to invite them to your wedding officially and even get marriage advice from your already married friends.
Ensure You are Financially Independent
According to research, the leading cause of divorce is money. Furthermore, most societies view men as the breadwinner of the family. Having a substantial job or business will give you that financial stability to take care of your needs, support your spouse, as well as the family you intend to have.
Meet your Spouse's Family and Friends
When you get married, you are not only marrying the person but you are also marrying the family. Meeting them before your wedding will help you figure out the drama and the issues you will be dealing with after your marriage. It will definitely keep you guarded and prepared for any eventualities.
The Bucket List
Make sure you have marked everything off from the bucket list you created for your bachelorhood. Entering into marriage after exhausting the list will ensure you don't lose yourself but instead achieve self-fulfillment.
Learn To Cook
Learning how to cook doesn't mean becoming a professional chef! Knowing how to cook the meals will be extremely helpful. On a romantic note, you can even surprise your wife with special delicacies once in a while. OR what if you are a stay-at-home husband and your wife has to go out earning for both of you.
Spend As Much Time With Your Buddies
A married life means sharing your spare time with your guys and wife. And chances are your wife will want to spend more time with you. So while unmarried spend as much time as possible with your buddies doing things you like.
Discuss your Expectations from your Marriage
Married life can be easier if you have a clear cut idea of your expectations from each other. The values that people share are always different from one another. Thus, putting down your thoughts on fidelity, responsibilities, finances, etc will help you understand each other better and smoother life ahead.