5 Reasons to Maximize Employee Healthcare Benefits

Having a steady income and working with colleagues you get along with aren’t the only advantages of being employed. Another great advantage is having healthcare benefits which it isn’t just practically free but is also something you can use at any time. You can also use these benefits even if you’re not sick and struggling to get out of bed due to the colds. Here are five reasons to maximize your employee healthcare benefits:
1. You are fully covered by your employer
Aside from the occasional company that never offers any form of benefit for their employees, most companies offer health insurance or a wellness program for both full-time or permanent employees. Even if they don’t offer other perks such as free meals or paid vacation trips, they make sure healthcare plans are given priority and won’t hesitate to give them to employees who have been with the company for a while now.
Naturally, companies don’t use the same healthcare plans since numerous healthcare providers are providing different plans. These plans are customized depending on the company’s need with the biggest factor being taken into consideration is the number of employees who are eligible to receive the said benefits. But among the common benefits found in most corporate healthcare plans include laboratory testing, dental appointments, and hospital confinement which are applicable for the employee’s entire tenure with the company.
So, whatever services are included in your medical insurance make sure to use it since you won’t be spending a dime every time you visit a hospital or clinic. For example, dental appointments are important especially if you want to get your teeth cleaned or have some of them removed. The cost can double or even triple if you choose to spend your own money when going to the dentist. Just remember when availing of your benefits, only go to the health facilities that are listed in the plan. Hospitals that aren’t on the list will not accept your request and you’ll only be wasting time and energy.
2. It significantly lessens personal medical bills
Medical-related expenses can be a burden for any employee. It can take a huge chunk of your salary which causes problems for your entire budget. This in turn creates a problem for your entire personal finances. By having a healthcare benefits package, you will able to cut down on healthcare costs especially if you’re constantly visiting the doctor or spending regularly on medications.
Even if your company healthcare plan doesn’t cover every hospital appointment you’ll be having, you can still maximize whatever plan you have and this can tremendously help you with your personal savings. The less money you’ll be spending on medical expenses, the more money you’ll have not just to put in your savings but also to spend for daily necessities such as food and utilities. With medical expenses getting more expensive these days, the importance of company healthcare benefits cannot be undermined.
3. Productivity will improve
Employees are more productive if they are healthy, that is a fact. There is not a single company that is able to able to meet its goals if most of its employees have problems with their physical and mental health. Specifically, employees who don’t receive any health benefits would rather choose to stay at home to rest rather than go to the office. This significantly affects the productivity of the remaining employees in the office who are left to pick up the tasks of the employees who chose not to work. Companies that don’t look out for their workers constantly see a high level of employee turnover.
It is a company’s responsibility, particularly the human resource department, to keep all of their employees healthy as much as possible. Even if they get sick, employers should be able to cover (whether partly or fully) the medical expenses of their workers so that they can get back to the office as soon as possible. Coverage goes for part-time employees as well especially if they are shown to be consistent and highly productive workers.
If you’re the type of employee who likes to work even with a headache or with a slight cold, you may have noticed a slight drop in your productivity every time you experience these symptoms. Take a day off the next time you feel a cold as you don’t want your symptoms to get worse and see your productivity drop off even more. If it’s not serious, a single day off won’t create issues for the remaining members of your team or department. Just make sure to ask permission ahead of time and make sure there are no highly important deadlines you’ll be beating.
4. It boosts employee engagement
Aside from productivity, employee engagement is another factor that will be affected if employees get sick. They won’t just be able to converse properly with colleagues and superiors but also with clients. This can even create a dangerous situation for the company as employees may pass on their sickness to a client which can result in negative press for the company.
Workers who are able to use their employer healthcare benefits at the soonest time possible will be able to return to their work faster. This allows for uninterrupted work processes and better communication between colleagues. It can be very difficult for someone to finish a task, let alone talk with a coworker if they have a runny nose or experiencing body pains.
5. It also protects your family
Employee benefits when it comes to healthcare go beyond the workplace as it also helps protect your family in the long run. You don’t want to burden your family if you ever feel sick, not just with the emotional burden but also the financial burden. Being covered by your company healthcare plan will make sure your family won’t have to worry about you getting sick ever again.
Some companies are even offering healthcare benefits for the families of their employees (also called dependents or beneficiaries). The coverage of dependent benefits is mostly similar to the ones given to employees especially when it comes to medical appointments and hospital confinements.
Final thoughts
If you are a full-time professional, the last thing you want to have is to get sick. That is why you need to maximize the healthcare benefits your company is offering. Your physical and mental well being should never be compromised every time you report for work.