5 Employee Tips to Always Keep in Mind

5 Employee Tips to Always Keep in Mind

5 Employee Tips to Always Keep in Mind

When living the full-time employee experience whether it be for a large corporation or a small business, remember that it’s not just simply about working from an 8 to 5 schedule. A key to success at work is to build an impressive career as well as improve your long-term financial standing. Here are five tips you should keep in mind to help you not only maximize your job as an employee but also prepare you for whatever challenges that may arise:        

1. Possibility of shifting office hours

If you’re working in your first job, don’t be surprised if your boss gives you a new schedule every now and then. Shifting schedules is common for most companies, especially for companies that have employees working at night or in the early hours of the morning. Be prepared if you are assigned to a schedule you’re not accustomed to. But you can always inform your employer if you’re not amenable to the shift change and work with them for a schedule that suits you and your team best.   

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One of the most common reasons why employees are moved to a different schedule is because their presence is needed by a certain team or department with the hope of improving the performance of the said team. It’s not just rank-and-file employees who get transferred but also managers and supervisors. Another common reason is workers having health-related issues, specifically requesting for a shift change since their physical and mental health can’t cope with the schedule they were previously assigned to.    

2. You’ll be working with a fixed salary

Working with a fixed salary can both be an advantage and a disadvantage. On one hand, you know what you’ll be receiving every payday, but on the other, you’ll only be limited to that salary until your boss decides to give you a raise. Of course, the raise will depend on your performance and there is no assurance that you’ll get one even if you’re a hardworking and good employee in the company. Salary (which oftentimes comes with employee recognition) is oftentimes the important factor when it comes to employee retention.  

But it’s not all doom and gloom when it comes to receiving the exact same salary every few weeks or every month. With a fixed pay, you’ll be able to budget all your expenses properly and also have some extra funds left to put on your personal savings. And if you do get that raise, you’ll have more money and you’ll be more financially secure at least for the next few months or years.  

3. Take advantage of employee benefits

Even if you’ll be working on a fixed salary, you’ll still be receiving benefits from your employer. Some of these benefits or perks include a healthcare or insurance plan, meal allowances, and company-sponsored equipment, among others. The company usually decides on what benefits they will be giving out, but among the most common is a healthcare plan. Whatever benefits you’ll be receiving, you should take advantage of it throughout your entire tenure with the company. 

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Remember that employee benefits are free and aren’t deducted in any way from your salary. Specifically, you won’t be spending a dime especially when it comes to availing of health services. Companies usually spend for the employee’s dental appointment and hospital confinement at a fixed amount. If the amount exceeds the company’s coverage, the employee will have to pay for the excess. Nonetheless, this is still a very good deal and is very helpful compared to paying hospital or clinic bills at a full price.    

4. Build a network

By being an employee, building a network is essential to help you advance your career at a much faster rate. Even if you plan on staying with one company for the next 10 to 20 years, expanding your network with individuals with different personality traits is still important for promotion purposes. You don’t want to be stuck with the same job role for years and not get considerations for any type of promotion.

When building a network, start with your immediate colleagues first through employee engagement. Establish a strong relationship with them not just inside the office but also outside of company premises. Don’t hesitate to join social events with your peers especially when you get an invite. Once a bond has been established, it’s now easy to get connected with people outside your workplace network. These connections will help you accomplish all your external business dealings much easier as well as help you land a high-paying job if you plan to switch to another company.   

5. Personal/family time may be compromised

Be prepared for having less time with yourself and your family if you plan to work a full-time job. There may be times that your boss will ask you to work overtime or on weekends. Additionally, there may be a change in your work schedule that forces you to have less time with your family. This is an unavoidable situation when it comes to being employed, so your only option here is to make adjustments so that you’ll still be able to take advantage of whatever rest/leisure days you have.

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You may be faced with the option of working in a company that doesn’t allow its employees to work past their given schedules. Although this sounds very convenient, you should also look at the career opportunity for this type of firm. They may only require their employees to work from 8 AM to 5 PM but if promotion is very scarce, then it’s best to look for opportunities elsewhere. A company that fails with its employee management capabilities will always see high levels of employee turnover.     

Final thoughts

If you’re unsure how your professional career will unfold when becoming a full-time employee, the five tips listed above should help you out not only to how to be a good worker but also be successful with whatever job you’ll choose. You’ll be a better employee the longer you stay employed.