Quick Team Building Activities

Team Building is the cornerstone of any relationship to develop in your workplace. Whether you are interacting with anyone effective communication is needed. Not only it will reduce the frustration among the office employees, but it is also bound to keep the employees engaged.
1. Concentration
If the team is distressed and drained, this fun exercise is a great way to refresh and energize yourselves. It does not take much amount of time, and the recommended size is 10 to 20 people
2. Grab the Bag
You need to form groups of 3 to 8 people, and each group is given a bag. Each group is given about 3 to 5 minutes to perform. The team spirit is enhanced to a considerable extent by this game.
3. Salt, Pepper Exercise
It is a great game to know each other on a one to one basis. It does not require much time and just a few sheets of paper, pen and a pencil is needed. The recommended group size can be in the region of 6 to 40 people. This exercise is bound to encourage creativity and leadership among the group members.
4. Take What you Need
Just two rolls of toilet papers are required depending upon the number of members of the group. You need to ask everyone to sit in a group
5. Beach Ball Toss
When you are looking to add new members to your group or trying to strengthen the bond between your existing employees, this is the best exercise. The recommended group size is 5 to 25 people and all one needs, is a beach ball with random questions about it.
6. Human Knot
This works on team building, communication and problem solving. It takes around 15 to 30 minutes, and that depends on how well everyone works together.
In the final analysis, effective team building activities need to be encouraged. Research points to the fact that if these activities are supported, it is bound to create a cohesive atmosphere.
7. The First Job
Your first job serves as an excellent, effective team building exercise to undertake a small team meeting. Go to the room and inform each member about your first or worst job. To make the process faster, you can ask each member to come with the answers prepared for the meeting. This exercise is bound to enhance the element of fun and help the members communicate with each other.