Why Emotional Intelligence is Most Important for Investors?

Having high intelligent quotient can be a genius but for emotional intelligence, you need not have degrees or high IQ level. The vital characteristic of an investor is not to be a genius but to be embedded with features of emotional intelligence like perseverance, disciplined, confidence and open-mindedness which is the key factor to be successful and often leads to having a bigger impact on your returns in the long run.
What is emotional intelligence?
Having higher degrees is not emotional intelligence but it is the emotional discipline, the ability to have control over your own emotions as well as that of other people’s emotions. Emotional intelligence is very important for investors as it helps business leaders to meet the requirements of the employees and to work in a team and handling the team members not only with confidence but through emotionally intelligent ways. Emotional intelligence is not only about self-awareness but also understanding the emotions of employees or taking decisions while investing and using it to steer thoughts and behavior.
Self-awareness, Self-regulation
The key features of emotional intelligence are self-awareness and self-regulation. Both are very important for investors. If the investor is aware of his own strength and weaknesses, he would be easily able to impress others with his actions as well as learn from constructive criticism. He will be able to control his emotions and would reveal emotions with restraint and control even in die hard situations. Emotionally intelligent person will be optimistic without letting others know about the ups and down of the situation.
Motivation and empathy
Positive thinking and optimism drives emotionally intelligent people to encounter disappointments and come out with flying colors as leaders. They are simply not motivated by any title or money but are the motivating force for others driven by inner ambition. Their compassion and understanding of human nature help them to connect with people at an emotional level as they give a genuine response to other’s concern. This results in the person to put their best foot forward and provide great service, which is very significant for investors as they have to gain the trust of others and have a positive impact to achieve success.
Build rapport and trust
Emotionally intelligent people gel quickly with everyone and so are able to build rapport and trust because of which the team willingly assists them. They do not have a hunger for power, nor do they prefer to backstab, but simply enjoy their compatibility with other people and thus gain respect and trust of others. This trait is necessary to have a hold on the market for investors to take their business to new heights in a long run.
Benefits of emotional intelligence
As the times have changed, these days, the employees want more than their paychecks. An emotionally intelligent person is well versed with the emotions of people which make it easier to handle employees with utmost emotional intelligence. This will help you to make your employees more committed and engaged. To meet the needs and a great performance of an employee is the need of an hour.
Having the qualities of an emotionally intelligent person are worth and is a key factor for investors as you need to correlate between brains and alpha for strong market returns. Investing is not about guys competing with each other regarding different IQ levels but to have bigger returns with emotional intelligence which can be achieved with a high emotional intelligence only.