Create Your Own Path to Success

“Do not follow where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Where are you Heading in Life?
This was a question that I pondered about 7 years ago. After experiencing a traumatic situation (Success after Traumatic Experience) which lead me feeling completely confused about my life, I stubbled upon this question by Ralph Waldo Emerson. At the time, I knew I needed to move forward in life, but I didn’t know how.
It wasn’t until I realized that in order for me to move forward in life rather than backwards, I needed to create my own path. I needed to design my life according to my terms instead of allowing the terms of society design my life for me. (Path to Awakening)
You see, creating your path to success starts with you making the mental commitment to move forward in life, no matter what challenges come your way. In my book, The Power of Adversity- A Guide To Finding Your Greatest Gift In Life, I shared my 3-part method to overcoming adversity and designing the life you want. The last part of the method is designing your future.
In order for you to experience the kind of success that you’re looking for, you need to be willing to design your future with the decisions that you make today. Your definition of success is unique and special to you.
Being a certified relationship coach and motivational speaker, I enjoy asking my clients and audience participants thought-provoking questions that enable them to think about their life.
Below I have shared 3 simple yet powerful questions that you can begin to ask yourself:
1. What is your Definition of Success?
Once you are clear with your definition of success, it’s time to start designing your future, with the decisions that you make today. As I like to tell my clients, the decisions that you make today will either get you closer to achieving the success you want or take you further away from your success.
The secret to creating your own path to success is making sure you live each and every day in alignment with your deepest values and beliefs. It’s about being crystal clear with your philosophy and how you define yourself as an individual.
2. If you Only had One Week to Live, how would you Live your Life?
How you answer this question will reflect your deepest values and beliefs. Whenever I ask this question to my audience participants, they seem to need a few minutes to actually think about this question. When you are faced with this type of adversity, you begin to think about what truly is important in life. This is the beginning of creating your own path.
3. What are the 3 Steps that Can Align with your Deepest Values and Beliefs?
I love this question. I believe that reading books, participating in workshops and surfing the web for the latest tips of success is absolutely useless, unless you put the wisdom to action. I don’t want you to just move onto the next article and completely forget what I’ve shared with you today.
Now is the time for you to take action and start creating your own path to success. I believe that you are capable of accomplishing all that you desire in life. All you need to do is continue to gain the wisdom by reading, learning, and asking questions, and being able to implement the wisdom into your life. (Successful in Life)
If you’d like to learn more on how to design the life you want, be sure to grab a copy of The Power of Adversity- A Guide To Finding Your Greatest Gift In Life.