Create Success After A Traumatic Experience

“Most people die at 25, but aren’t buried until they are 75.” by Benjamin Franklin
Of course anyone would agree this is a terrible state. Unfortunately, though, it’s the reality for many people. By the time they get into their mid-twenties, hurts, disappointments, and frustration have beaten out of them their once bright-eyed hopes, goals, and dreams.
1. Conquer The World
Strategies To Help You Conquer Your Fears
Where once they thought they could conquer the world, or at least make their own corner of it a pretty nice place, they now sleepwalk from day to day, surviving rather than thriving, and not looking forward to much of anything. Some are actually miserable. Others are numb and on autopilot. Either way, they’ve died inside. And so they spend time , the rest of their lives existing, until, as Franklin said, one day, they are buried. Life is gone out of them.
2. Express Yourself
If you find yourself on autopilot or struggling and only surviving rather than thriving after being beaten down by a tough experience, how can you change it? How can you become alive again and even find the hope and energy to pursue your dream or to do something you’re truly excited about doing? How can you create success when something has tried to take away your hopes, goals, and dreams?Refuse to give the hurt and pain anymore power.
That can be easier said than done, as many people struggle to move past their pain, but one key ingredient to getting beyond the pain is in action. That’s right, taking massive action can give you a new hope, goal, or dream to work toward. And it can give you something else to focus on the something Positive Thinking and empowering.
3. Start New Life
Once you truly take this to heart, you can begin to start to see your life from a different perspective. A perspective that looks beyond the hurts, disappointments, and frustrations that might have gripped you.Know that the hurts, disappointments, and frustrations you have experienced to this point don’t have to be in vain. Going through the experiences that brought those emotions on wasn’t fun — and may have been downright horrific —but you can take a lesson or even a life’s message from them. And wrapped in these lessons and messages, you may just find the path to feeling alive again. And doing amazing work.
4. Knowledge is Experience
As a life strategist and business consultant, I’ve worked with a lot of clients who have been going for their dreams after rough starts. Many of these clients came to me for help with books. Writing books to share the lessons, blessings, and messages from their tough life experiences has helped them to live bigger lives and thrive.So what lesson, blessing, or message may have come out of the tough experiences you’ve had? What crummy situation has produced a benefit to you, once you truly looked at it with new eyes? How have you grown after coming out on the other side of a rough time?
5. Set New Goal
You don’t have to let the trauma, pain, and distress of what happened before rob you of your hopes, goals, and dreams. You see, you get to interpret those experiences in the way you choose. Someone may have taken advantage of you. Something may have happened to you. Someone may have disappointed you in a way you never imagined. Those things happened, and they were horrible. But you don’t have to let those bad experiences continue to steal any more from you than they already have.
6. Learn Soft skills
Tips to Improve your Soft Skills
In fact, one starting point for finding a way to create success after your traumatic experience is to look at where you are right now. How far have you come? How did you get through that tough time? By examining how you got through, you may begin to see that you have developed coping skills, insights, and ideas that helped you — and that others need to know about so they can be helped, also.
7. Praise Your Life
You can take from those experiences, whatever lesson, blessing, or message you need to, and move forward. Maybe you’ll write a book about your tough experience and help others through similar circumstances. Maybe you can incorporate into your business certain lessons from your experience and use those lessons to serve customers and clients in a better way. Maybe you can form an organization or support a cause that enables you to help others as a result of what you’ve endured.
8. Enjoy Success
This new work may turn out to be your life’s most important and meaningful work. In it, you may create amazing success that inspires, empowers, and helps others — and that allows you to reclaim your life.You truly can live your life —and not just merely exist — after hurt and pain. You don’t have to be the walking dead. Turn your hurt, disappointment, and frustration into new work that makes you feel alive. You can take massive action in a new and Positive Attitude to begin a new life, here, today.