13 Positive Ways to Not Lose Yourself in Motherhood

After 40 weeks of waiting and hours of excruciating pain, it all seems worth it when you see your little angel smiling up at you from your arms. You love the attention you are getting from everyone and the wishes on social media. And then your life takes a complete 180-degree turn. This is the time of sleepless nights, of changing diapers, of constant crying and of not catching a break.
Moreover, if you are a working mom, your life goes for a toss, and you do not seem to get any time for anything anymore. Juggling has become second nature to you, and you feel like running away at times. Though being a mother brings to you a sense of fulfilment, it is easy to lose yourself fast and soon the person staring back at you from the mirror is just an echo of a distant you.
What we are trying to tell you is that you can be both. You can be a mother, and you can be you. Here are 13 positive ways to help you keep balance and not lose yourself in motherhood.
1. Remember to Stay In Touch With Your Dreams and Emotions
In the now hectic schedule, it is easy to forget that you have a life outside motherhood. Remind yourself of your aspirations and dreams. The best way to reconnect with your self is to keep a journal. Find any amount of time you get and jot down how you feel and what you want to achieve in life. It need not be long essays. Even writing a few sentences on a daily basis can help you focus on you.
2.Feel alive
It is oh too easy to get sucked into the rigmaroles of your routine life as a mother. Stay positive and feel alive. Enjoy yourself and smile. If it seems hard to do at the start, fake it till you make it.
3.Feel the love
Now that you are a mother, love comes even more naturally to you. Share it. Express it. Tell your loved ones how much they mean to you and how much you appreciate them. You will get plenty of love in return, and that will do wonders to uplift your mood.
4.Feel beautiful
Looking at the mirror you might be seeing a haggard version of yourself who hardly resembles the YOU. So take time out and put on a flattering dress and take care of your hair and make-up. If minimalistic is your style, go for it. You just need to look good in your eyes.
Looking good makes you feel good, and there’s nothing like it when it comes to pumping up your self-esteem. Moreover, the complements that can come your way from your better half or your loved ones would boost your confidence and re-ignite the spark in you.
5.Take Time For Yourself
It is important to remember that you are the core of your life and just like you care for everyone around you, you need to care about yourself. Have some time every day to yourself for things you love to and want to do. Spending time with yourself helps to reconnect you to your inner goddess.
6.Be Organized
In order to gain more positivity and have a balanced life, be more organized. Cluttered house leads to the cluttering of thoughts. Start the day by making your bed. Cleaning up early in the day helps you feel more organized and in control and thus gives a powerful beginning to the day.
7.Time Management
With so little time in your hands now, it is important to manage your time well. Plan everything in advance. For example, plan the next day’s tasks the night before. Jot everything down. Be realistic about the tasks you set for yourself.
8.Feel Accomplished
Once you have the list of things to do, do them and tick them off your list. This gives a sense of achievement and empowers you. Do not beat yourself up if there are few tasks that you were not able to complete. Just put them on the next day’s “To Do” list. The purpose of ticking off tasks is to make you feel that you are succeeding and that you can achieve anything you want.
9.Celebrate Successes
Share with everyone every time you achieve something. Each small achievement boosts your confidence.
10.Do Not Give Up
While dealing with new motherhood, there are a number of things that can go wrong. Do not feel hopeless. Remember that each failure is a stepping stone towards success. Learn from your mistakes and tweak around the way you are going about doing the task and soon you will find yourself succeeding. Ask for help and advice if required.
11. Connect (Or Re-Connect With Your Friends)
Often in the noise and busyness all around you, you feel completely lonely. As if it is just you against the world. Shake off these depressing thoughts by dialling up or chatting with a friend. You can do it via social media (Skype, FB or WhatsApp) or just ask your partner, to take care of the baby for a while and have a few hours Coffee Shop session with your friend/ friends. True friends are always there for you to bring an oh so needed smile to your lips.
12.Keep The Romance Alive
Now that you are both parents, romance seems to have gone out the window. Re-kindle the spark in your love life. Slip a “Love You” note in your partner’s pocket or on their pillow or stick it on the washroom mirror. Text them often with not your troubles but just to share sweet nothings. Plan a romantic dinner at home with scented candles and wine.
Ask your parents/ in-laws or your neighbour’s daughter to baby-sit for you for a fun evening out with the love of your life. Catch the latest movie or check out the new food joint or just go for a long romantic drive.
13.Feel Like The World's Best Mom
Above all, the best way to get rid of all your depressions is to look at your beautiful child smiling. Playing with your little one, she/ he grabbing your fingers, having long conversations in complete gibberish is an instant remedy for your ailing heart and will fill your heart with calm, serenity, peace, and happiness.