Short Positive Affirmations

Short Positive Affirmations If you want to be happy and successful in your own life , a positive, fierce , proud and happy person without shame , learn how to be confident, and love and approve of yourself with affirmations. By using daily we can see results in 7 days latest. It helps to adopt positive believing as well as positive thinking as you embrace these words in the situations that arise in your life.
1. I Am Proud of Who I Am
Actions to Up Your Self-Confidence
To have faith and confidence in oneself catapults a person to instant success. This simple message of truth and love can change our life . Be proud of who you are and everything you have overcome. Nobody can steal that from me.
2. I Am Needed
Maintain That Positive Attitude
I might not be some one’s first choice but I am a great choice . I don’t pretend to be someone I’m not because I am good at being me. I might not be proud of some of the things I did in past but I am proud of who I am today. I have friends and family who love me and need me to be with them.
3. I Deserve Happiness
Peace of Mind Achieves Happiness
There’s always someone out there who’s pain is worst than yours but that doesn’t make it any less valid . Stop feeling guilty or feeling bad. Be good to yourself . You deserve happiness just as much as the next person . Do what you need to do to feel better and live a happy , healthy life.
4. All My Hard Work Is Paying off
Creating Joy in Your Workspace
The best rewards are the ones where you feel like you have really worked hard for it and you have earned it. The price of success is hard work and dedication to the job in hand and determination. With this positive affirmation in the subconscious mind , you tend to hit success and be satisfied and happy.
5. I Turn Doubt And Fear Into Enthusiasm And Belief
6. I Accept The Challenges of The World
7. Every Day In Every Way I Am Getting Better And Better
8. I Have The Power To Choose My Destiny
9. I Dare To Be The Best I Can Be
10. I Can Make My Dreams Come True
11. I Am Courageous
12. I Say No To Doubt And Yes To Life
13. My Best Is Yet To Come
14. I Go For Goals With Passion And Pride
15. My Positive Thoughts Create Positive Results
Short affirmations when said , repeated daily create a positive energy in the subconscious mind so as that each task you have for the day turns into a soft goal and you successfully tread on the path .