Toxic Thoughts that Kill Your Happiness

What we think grows two fold, and our thinking impacts our overall wellbeing. Toxic thoughts are pervasive in nature, often leading to a negative life. We certainly cant live a positive life with a negative framework of mind. At some point, most of have endured comfort from those people, who may not wish the best for us, DETOX such people.
1. I Wish I Could be Like them
You’re so busy admiring others strengths to your weaknesses, you often forget that others also have their own flaws. Give yourself the benefit of doubt, as you don’t know what another persons experience is all about.
2. I am Always Screwing Things
Letting failure creep in, paves way for bigger failures. But when we learn from challenges, they become stepping-stones to success. Don’t be self-critical; start believing in yourself.
3. I am Single, No one Needs Me
Positive Thoughts on Daily Activities
Often we desire to be loved and pampered, emotionally and physically. If you can’t enjoy your own company, how can you enjoy the company of another? We need to love ourselves first.
4. Dude, What are People Going to Think
Live Happier with Positive Thoughts
You’re constantly worrying about how others will frame their opinion about you. Others are probably busy dealing with their own mess, to think about you. And if people have an opinion, ignore them, they are Toxic.
5. I am not a Pro at It
Highly Successful Professionals
Well, none of us were born professionals. We didn’t pop out of our mother’s stomach performing summersaults. While some acquire traits naturally, others work towards it. Remember, all of us are blessed with talents, waiting to be put in worthy pursuits.
6. Its not My Cup of Tea
If good things came to people within their comfort zones, all of us would be excelling in our professions. Life is going to impose you with difficulties and challenges. But remember, it takes serious gumption to be outstanding.
7. Now is not the Time, Later. Period!
If good things came to people within their comfort zones, all of us would be excelling in our professions. Life is going to impose you with difficulties and challenges. But remember, it takes serious gumption to be outstanding.
8. Should have, Could have
For how long are you going to debate on chances you didn’t take, opportunities you didn’t grab? What you SHOULD be doing is, reflecting on the good side of your life, and not simmering beneath the surface thinking about what you should/could have been.
9. I am the Victim of Everything
Confidence Building Techniques
Love it or loath it, life is full of surprises, good and bad.If you've labeled your circumstances as failures, then you'll only continue with that attitude in the future.
10. I am not so Lucky
If luck could favor us all, we would sit back and bet on our fates, instead of working. Fuel out your potential, you could be making history, for all you know.