13 Signs of Toxic Parenting

Having a child is a beautiful blessing. Not every child has the good luck of having people around him whom he can call his family. A mother is the one who will love you unconditionally and a father will always be your hero.
They are the only ones who love and care for you truly. No other person in this world who can compete with their love. Every parent; loves their child endlessly. However; there are some parents who are not able to take care of their kids.
It is not that they do not want to, take good care of you it is just that they do not know that they are actually hurting their kid’ feelings. Here are the signs which will help you out in knowing whether your parenting is good or toxic.
1. They hurt your feelings indirectly
2. They do not allow you to express your true feelings and want you to follow them only
3. They prefer their feelings over yours
4. Using the silent treatment
5. They want you to follow their choices for their happiness
6. They do not make you feel secure from their side
7. They are attention demanding all the time
8. They always blame you for everything
9. They get angry at you very soon, even when the mistakes aren’t that big.
10. They control you by making you feel guilty
11. They do not think about your health
12. They get overly critical
13. They decide your future on their demands
If any of the above things matches with the type of parenting you are doing; then you should understand that your parenting is extremely toxic. You are not doing well with your child.
If you truly love your kids then make effective changes in your parenting. Instead of keeping yourself first, think about your child. Firstly recognize the things you are doing wrong from the about 13 points.
Then try to make efficient changes in your behaviors and actions. It is necessary for you to understand the feelings of your child otherwise he will start being in wrong company.
If you want your children to have a bright future; then make his present bright as well. When the roots of the child are strong; then his future self will be strong too. Try bringing up your child with love and care instead of toxic parenting.