Facing a Career Stagnation- Seven ways to stop 'Proving' and Start 'Improving'

When a person enters a company, the hopes of a brighter future are on their peak. Enthusiasm and sense of novelty activates us to work in the new environment. But, however professionally astute we may be, a stage always comes when we need a change from our current position. The desire to progress is manifest in every individual. Some people work hard towards it and achieve it at the end of the day. But, there are also people who shrink away when it comes to career stagnation.
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Stagnation in career is a state where the person is glued to a set position, away from the opportunities of escalation on professional grounds. As no phase is permanent in life, this phase will also fade if a person works on the following lines.
1. Taking a Break
At one point in life, our strictly maintained usual schedule starts frustrating us and hence, a fatigue envelops all around. To come out of this state a break for refreshment is a necessary step. An outing opens our brain and body, making space for self-evaluation.
2. Future Planning
One cannot think of fighting career stagnation if he does not have a goal for future. The onset of a new scheme for growth demands an accurate mapping of our future and how one wants to see oneself in it. Knowing your tastes, interests, qualification etc. are the ways through which the path to future turns precise and achievable.
3. Exploration
Lethargy or disinterest in reaching out and looking for opportunities is one of the biggest reasons for career stagnation. The options remain open in front of us, but, we do not make an effort. At this time, it becomes imperative to take risks, explore new options, work towards them and achieve the rise you always wished for yourself. Approach involving market research opens up new avenues and makes one appropriately aware for career advancement.
4. Developing Skills
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We all have knowledge of the field we belong. But it is not important that we also have the proper skills. Skill based knowledge is profitable than theoretical knowledge when it comes to professional fronts. Developing professional skills is necessary to become better than your colleagues. A person who has something different from the crowd, rises faster. Therefore, a special skill or program based knowledge can break the phase of career stagnation.
5. Remain Inspired
Due to boredom in the repetitive schedule, we often lose interest in the job of our choice also. Then, being ready for any work assigned, the desire to improve by taking up challenges and remaining inspired are the ways to get over with career stagnation. Communicating with the people who can mentor you towards advancement works well, if, we are ready to labor upon the advices, instead of just receiving them passively.
6. Freelancing
It is not important that the options for a job change or a promotion are always open for you. So, freelancing is also an available possibility. Start up with a small freelancing venture of your interest and if the option suits well, one can achieve high on his own terms. Freelancing or any self start has a risk involved and demands extra efforts. But, if the person is hardworking and enthusiastic then the fruits are sweeter than ever.
7. Bringing a change
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To fight stagnation in your career bringing a change is necessary. A change in job, change of field or any other significant reshaping is the need of the hour. Assessing the available choices according to the opportunity of growth in each is the way to channelize the future in a responsible manner.
The power or the inspiration to achieve better in life always lies inside you. The need is to explore the appropriate resources available outside. A perfect communion between the inner desire to progress and external opportunities is the mode of breaking the spell of career stagnation eclipsed over your life.