8 Proven Success Factors For Accelerating Your Life

Who does not want to excel in life? There are truly only a handful of people walking on this earth who are completely devoid of any ambitions or dreams. And to fulfil those ambitions it is imperative that we be prepared ourselves well.
As per author, trainer, coach, speaker Brian Tracy, the following may help you to accelerate in life both professionally and personally.
“The secret to success is to know something nobody else knows.” - Aristotle
1. Be Positive
A person’s attitude is what makes the difference. A person with a positive attitude has the power to win the world while a person with a negative one is so focused on the negativities around them, they do not find the time to do well and move ahead in life. Being positive helps you professionally and personally. It is your choice. Choose well.
2. Dress Right
First impression is vital in the professional world. People get an image of you in their head before they even start talking to you. To create a stellar impression, you need to look the part that you want to play. Invest in your wardrobe and dress like the person you want to become. A positive image goes a long way. So make sure to create one when you are meeting new people.
3. Build Your Character
Trust and respect are the keys that will push you ahead in life- be it professional or personal. Be honest and respectful to yourself and others. Self discipline is what you should gradually improve on and slowly you will find doors opening for you. Everyone trusts a person of strong character and integrity. Be one to gain everyone’s trust.
4. Cultivate Good Work Ethics
Be proactive and work as per priorities. Love your work and complete your tasks with care. Be organized. Be creative. You need to inculcate these work ethics into you so that it becomes your second nature. This helps to enhance your productivity and thus in turn, gives a boost to your Return On Time Invested (ROTI). Hence you end up getting more done in less time.
5. Create Contacts
Networking is essential if you are trying to move ahead in life. Everyone needs a support system of people who will always be there for them. Moreover, it is important to have contacts to ensure the continuous flow of opportunity towards you. Building up of contacts may be time consuming and would need a lot of efforts and perseverance, but the advantages of the same outweigh the efforts required.
6. Manage Your Money Well
Money gives you the wings to take the leap that you are eager to take. Basically, it opens doors to more opportunities. Hence, being money wise is crucial. If you want to start up your own business but do not have enough to support you till it kicks off, you will end up being stuck at your 9 to 5 job and would not be able to move ahead in life.
7. Keep Learning
Knowledge is power. The more you know, the better you are equipped to excel. It goes without saying that the more educated ones are the ones raking in more moolah. So focus on your education. But that should never stop at college or university level. Degrees are important but everything keeps changing in this world. So it is of surmount importance that we keep ourselves in the know-how. Learning has no age. So keep learning to give yourself that additional edge above others
8. Improve Your Skills
Your career will shine brightly when you are the master of your skill set in your field. So practice and hone them. Extend your horizons and widen your reach. Learn new tricks of the trade. You will gradually find new opportunities opening up for you. Study up and use your experience to develop new ones or fine tune your existing skills.
“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.” – Colin Powell