Good Thoughts
![Good Thoughts](
Good thoughts or goodness of nature defines the very fabric of our lives. Good thoughts are food for our souls. Let us view good thoughts as seeds. If we plant good thoughts, our lives will be illuminated by their brilliance. Think good, do good and speak good- that is karma! Goodness finds its way to good people. The richness of our soul is like a beacon of light, illuminating our lives and world, and helping us to live better and fuller lives.
- 1. Good thoughts reflect on our face, bringing a glow to our personalities.
- 2. Good thoughts attract good things.
- 3. Karma says that goodness finds good people.
- 4. Good thoughts are food for the soul and illuminate hope and happiness in one’s life.
- 5. Plant the seeds of goodness and blessings will find their way to you.
- 6. Good thoughts foster opportunities and success.
- 7. Failures are stepping stones to success. We must believe in ourselves and our capabilities.
- 8. The goodness of a person is not limited to boundaries, but spreads everywhere.
- 9. A good thought creates a good mood, and a good mood creates good work and that in turn creates a good day.
- 10. No moment is perfect, so let us live each moment perfectly.
- 11. Treat others well, your behaviour is a reflection of your self-opinion.
- 12. Not every day is perfect but there is something to enjoy every day.
- 13. A smile is the best make-up a girl can wear.
- 14. To be truly happy, love and accept yourself first.
- 15. Simplicity and humility should comprise the fabric of your life
- 16. The successful have tasted failure time and again
- 17. True victory is when you succeed in bringing a smile on someone’s face.
- 18. Attitude defines life and our achievements
- 19. Success will knock on your door if you believe in being successful
- 20. Friendship understands that friends are different
- 21. The richness of friendship is something that each of us deserves
- 22. Hope is the necessity of life. It rejuvenates you to face tomorrow
- 23. Goodness is contagious; it will seep from you to your surroundings and illuminate your life
- 24. It feels great to know that someone is happy to see you
- 25. Smile is the best cure for any illness
- 26. Life is a precious gift to be treated with love, care and respect
- 27. Let not “if” dictate your life, replace it with “when”.
- 28. Just as an apple a day keeps the doctor away, a positive thought will keep the problems away
- 29. A true leader is one who leads others to greatness
- 30. Change is most effective if it begins from within
- 31. Successful people start small and work their way up- there is no other way
- 32. Pain will teach you to appreciate your life better
- 33. Confidence and hard-work are the ladders of success
- 34. Every day means a new life, so cherish it and leave yesterday behind
- 35. Inculcate the habits that will shape our lives the best
- 36. Happiness is a constant journey and not the destination
- 37. The language of kindness surpasses all barriers of communication
- 38. Confidence is not knowing all the answers, but being willing to learn more
- 39. Life is your permanent teacher
- 40. Self-respect is woven into the very fabric of your being
- 41. Successful people wear a smile and silence on their lips
- 42. Destroy the negative feeling of resentment or it will destroy you
- 43. Tutor yourself to see the world as beautiful
- 44. Positivity can introduce constructive changes in your life, making you a happier and richer individual
- 45. Competition is best when within, compete with yourself to excel
- 46. Be strong to whither the storms, nothing is permanent
- 47. Win hearts and mind- that is true victory
- 48. Accepting yourself is a step towards accepting others as they are
- 49. With authority come grave responsibilities
- 50. Freedom gives us the power to pursue our happiness
- 51. True freedom is thinking good thoughts
- 52. Your best companion is knowledge
- 53. Sleep with a dream, but wake up with a purpose
- 54. The strong are not daunted by failures
- 55. Action is the only way to success
- 56. You can conquer your fears by facing them
- 57. It takes courage to live an honest life
- 58. Stand firm, the waves of misery will pass over you
- 59. Freedom is the right of all living beings
- 60. Being different does not mean being wrong
- 61. Transparency in any relationship is a necessity
- 62. Communication is the bridge to better relationships
- 63. Your freedom ends where another’s begins
- 64. Allow goodness to be replaced by greatness
- 65. Action is better than reaction
- 66. Happiness is a state of being, a way of life
- 67. The barriers in our mind are our biggest enemies
- 68. Focus on what you have. You may be far blessed than you think.
- 69. Express your gratitude by living it and not by just words
- 70. Thankfulness can do wonders
- 71. Replace away the dust of negativity with the positivity of positivity
- 72. Positivity exhibits a gravitational force, pulling the universe towards it
- 73. The first thought to invade your mind in the morning should be that you will have a wonderful day
- 74. Situations may slip out of our control but we can control out reactions and thoughts
- 75. Cleanliness is associated with Godliness
Thoughts are seeds; seeds of blessings or curse! Life is a cycle of karma, as in what you sow is what you will reap! Let us then fill our lives and souls with the power of goodness and enjoy its fruits. If we wish to introduce constructive change in our lives, we need to replace our negative thoughts with the seeds of positivity. We will, in the long run become happier and more fulfilled individuals.