Jeb Bush Quits 2016 U.S. Elections

Presidential candidate, Jeb Bush, has reportedly dropped out of the 2016 presidential race in the United States of America after a calamitous finish in the South Carolina primary election round.
The former governor of Florida, the son and brother of former US presidents, was at one time the leader of the Republican nominees however he announced his decision to quit the race in an emotional speech to his supporters. Jeb Bush announced what has been probably obvious from the past few months.
Speaking to his campaign members at his campaign headquarters in Miami, Jeb Bush thanked them for their hard work that led to a satisfactory finish to their, although unsuccessful, campaign. After an unexpected performance in the South Carolina primaries he bade farewell to his staff in Miami and returned home.
There have been mixed response to this decision by one of the most popular, and often controversial, presidential candidates of the 2016 presidential race. With the backing of a $100 million war chest, a famous name and the family background of political prowess Jeb Bush has often been criticized for using his political clout in trashing the image of his rival, Marco Rubio who is likely to benefit from this decision by Bush. Political analysts believe that this retracting decision by Bush is not likely to make any significant difference in the voting arena as he has almost negligible support in the national polls. Jeb Bush finished sixth in Iowa and fourth in New Hampshire and it is being speculated that this decision has been long in coming.
When Jeb Bush announced his intentions to run in the US presidential in 2014 his presidential campaign has been marred by unexpected defeats and obstacles since then. Even his performance on the debate stage, with candidates such as Donald J. Trump and Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, has been found to be bland and lacking in self-confidence. After a promise of a ‘joyful’ campaign Mr. Bush instead found himself running a lackluster and bland campaign with much slogging and tumbling along the way. Hi rivals also did not waste any opportunity to attack him on his relative inexperience as well as his family’s colorful political history. In an ironic twist in the presidential campaign Mr. Bush was overtaken by his own protégé, Senator Marco Rubio, who was groomed for the political arena by Mr. Bush himself in Florida.
Critics, as well as his aides and advisers, believe that his biggest liability was a family history of politics that people are not likely to forget soon. It is believed that the Bush name is being rejected by the voters this time due to the political and economic policies that they supported.
Jeb Bush has been a successful business executive in Florida and had used his family name, as well as his time as governor of Florida, to make a powerful network of lucrative companies and consulting contracts which helped him amass tens of millions of dollars. Bush’s wife, Columba, had never been interested in politics and his immediate family was apprehensive about the close scrutiny the family might come under one the presidential nominations were announced. Although as 2016 approached, Bush was approached by numerous old friends and donor who convinced him to enter the presidential campaign after assuring him of their unconditional moral and monetary support. With amazing speed Bush’s campaign war chest, the ‘super PAC’ collected around $100 million to support him till the end. However, sadly the voters have slightly less confidence in Jeb Bush than his extensive campaign team and large network of donors as was proven with the disastrous results in the South Carolina primary.