Forget the Gurus Reconnect with Your Intuition

The world we live in is full of self-proclaimed experts and gurus who claim to have the answers to all our problems. All we need to do is buy their next book. Or join their online membership forum for only £500 a month. We know the snake oil pitch well by now of course.Our inboxes are overloaded with the endless sales copy each and every day.
Every time we open our email inbox another message awaits promising us the earth for just a little parting of our hard won money. It leaves us weary.
1. The Answers Are Within
What these experts don’t often tell us is that the answers are so often within ourselves.If we just learn to reconnect with our gut instinct and intuition.If we just make time for some regular self-reflection.
External sources can and do of course help at times but the initial drive has to come from within. We have to connect with our own inner spark.We have to make time for self-inventory.Ask ourselves some difficult questions at times. Follow through on actions that support our goals.None of this is necessarily easy but it does mean we hold the reigns on our own development and life.We take charge.
2. Take Charge
To become the best versions of ourselves we have to take charge of the reigns.We have to choose a path that we are happy to walk. We have to choose the work we want to apply ourselves to.The goals that we want to chase.We have to take charge.
Self-help and self-improvement sources and mentors can help us at times but let’s not deceive ourselves into thinking any one person has all the answers. How can they?Listening too much to others and placing too much importance on their perspectives can mean we start to lose sight of our own unique perspectives. Instead of becoming more informed we run the risk of just becoming overloaded with information or just following along blindly.
We need to find our own way.Chase our own dreams.Live our own lives.Become who we truly want to become.Surround ourselves with people that add to our lives.That give us energy.
3. Set Your Inner Compass
Set your inner compass on a destination that is unique to you and your wants.Make your mistakes, learn your lessons and keep on keeping on.
Make the path you tread one of your choosing. Live your own version of the good life.