10 Ways to Deal with Wealthier Friends

It is common to have friends across different income groups. It is also important to know how to handle situations where the wealth gap becomes a problem, and how to avoid such situations in the first place. Friendships are beyond wealth and other social barriers, and therefore, there is no need to develop a complex. But inferiority complex is common in friendships.
Some of the ways to deal with wealthier friends are as follows:
1. Be Proud and Confident
Money isn’t everything in life, and it isn’t a cliché. You have to be proud of yourself and confident in your own abilities and position in life. There’s nothing worse than a lack of confidence in a friendship; a friendship essentially should be a liberating force from all the stigmas attached with the society. Just be yourself and don’t think of the wealth gap in between your friendship.
2. Be Yourself
Apart from being confident and proud, comes the fact that you have to be yourself. With our rich friends, or in rich company in general, we tend to forget who we are. We often get lost trying to show-off, trying to show ourselves above the economic levels we actually are. There’s no point to show-off or be untrue to yourself in a friendship.
3. Don’t Try to Match Up
Even if you want, you can’t match up your rich friends. So don’t try to make things difficult for both of you. It’s best to be in your own shoes and spend as per your limits. Otherwise you may end up hurting your own self and your monthly budgets. You don’t have the same splurging luxury as your rich friend, therefore it is best to enter your shell and expect them to understand your situation.
4. Be Ready to Say No
At times, it will be tempting to join your friends on some places which your budget won’t allow, even after extrapolating. It’s best to learn to say no in such circumstances. There will be two situations if you join them- either they’ll be paying much for you or you’ll be taking money off from your important savings or take a loan. It is best to say no to a plan where you know you’ll be spending too much, instead of saying yes and either suffering or staying in complex if your friend is paying for you.
5. Don’t Compare
Comparisons are futile, especially in a friendship. Friendship brings everyone across the same point. So if you compare the resources, means, and wealth, you’ll be diluting the overall friendship and the relationship will be a place where jealousy resides. You and your friends both will lose the bond of friendship and sooner than later, you’ll be wearing a mask of friendship to hide your true jealousy or you’ll not be friends any longer.
6. Use Their Resources
Friendship with rich friends will mean that you can get access to their resources. If you’re good, you can use their resources to a good effect to bring yourself up to their level. The law of attraction speaks about surrounding yourself with like-minded people to get the desired success in life. Soon, you could reach their level itself.
7. Be Ready to Say Goodbye
Sometimes, despite the best of intentions, it isn’t possible to keep up the relationship. This will also help you in keeping the emotions alive and not end with a sour relationship. You could still be friends without meeting as often, if you’re not able to maintain the lifestyle the friendship is requiring you to have. It is in the best interests of people to go different ways at certain moments.
8. Plan Affordable Activities
Suggest activities that fit your budget, such as home-cooked dinners, outdoor walks, or attending free community events. These alternatives can be just as fun and meaningful, allowing everyone to enjoy time together without putting financial strain on the friendship.
9. Appreciate Their Generosity Without Dependency
If your wealthier friend offers to pay occasionally, accept graciously but avoid becoming reliant. Express gratitude and contribute in non-monetary ways to maintain balance and show that you value their friendship beyond financial considerations.
10. Set Boundaries
Establish boundaries if their spending habits or discussions about wealth make you uncomfortable. Politely steer conversations away from finances and focus on common ground to maintain a healthy and enjoyable dynamic in your friendship.