8 Unique Tips to Increase Work From Home Productivity

If you’ve read numerous articles on how to increase productivity while working from home, you may have noticed that these articles offer the same advice and solutions. But there is no “one-size-fits-all” solution for people having trouble staying productive in a remote work setup, especially since work is very much different across multiple industries. So, if you’re part of this group, here are seven unique tips to increase work from home (WFH) productivity:
1. Start work at 6 AM
Considering that you’re not an evening work schedule, working early has always been attributed to increased productivity and motivation. The mind is most active in the morning even when one fails to get a 7 to 8-hour sleep the night before. Adjusting to working from home on an early schedule may be difficult at first but you’ll be surprised by the amount of work you’ll manage to finish while everyone is still glued to their beds or are in the middle of their early morning routine.
Another benefit of starting work early is that you can also finish early. Even if you work on an 8 to 5 schedule, it doesn’t mean you’ll have to do a 12-hour shift by clocking in at 6 AM. By finishing all of your tasks early, you can simply relax and do other non-work related activities while waiting for your shift to end. And since you’re at home in the first place, you’ll have more time to spend with family. Also, remember that the most successful people start their work in the wee hours of the morning, so if you plan on advancing your career in the fastest way possible take the first step and change your schedule as soon as possible.
2. Turn on the speakers
If you’re the type who listens to music while working at the office, then you know that you can’t just play your favorite tunes on a loudspeaker. Although most people love music, some consider it a distraction especially when working on difficult tasks. But if you managed to switch to a remote work setup, whether on a freelance or full-time basis and if you feel music helps you get in the mood to work then it’s time to set those speakers to maximum volume.
One study showed that around 79% of employees boost their productivity while listening with 59% said that music is beneficial to their mental well-being. So if you love pop, R&B, or reggae, among many other genres, no one should stop you from playing your favorite tunes during the entire shift. Just remember that when your speaker is in its loudest settings, make sure that other members of your household do not have any problems with the loud sounds. Your parents, siblings, or spouse may be on a remote work setup and want to avoid distractions as well, so be considerate and don’t wait to be scolded before adjusting the volume.
3. Turn on your video chat tool the entire shift
Even if you’ve been working remotely from home for quite a while now, there may be times that you feel isolated. That feeling is completely normal especially if your WFH company doesn’t have any physical office and everyone is working remotely. Having feelings of isolation can be very tough for your mental health and can also decrease your productivity in the long run. One way to solve this issue is to turn on whatever video chat tool (e.g. Google Hangouts, Zoom, Skype, Microsoft Teams, etc.) you have and keep it running throughout your shift.
The main purpose of this is to keep your communication lines open with not just your boss but also your colleagues. The more you are in contact with them the more it strengthens the relationship you have with the people in your organization. Most importantly, having someone to talk to is just very beneficial for you to stay healthy which in turn increases productivity in the long run. But take note that this decision may not fall into your own hands as everyone needs to be on the same page with regard to keeping the webcam running the entire day. Although some remote companies require it, there are also companies that don’t. If the situation entails that video conferencing should be limited for meetings or other urgent matters, you can always discuss with your colleagues or team members when you can conduct regular video call sessions. Alternately, you can also contact your workmates through instant messaging that usually comes in together with video conferencing tools.
4. Get some food ready on your desk
Any type of work can never be accomplished on an empty stomach. One unique tip to help you increase productivity while working remotely is to fill your desk with food the entire day. There is no denying that food makes everyone happy, even for those looking to lose a few pounds. Food also acts as a great stress reliever when employees are faced with difficult tasks in the workplace.
Aside from keeping you full and energized throughout the day, having food on your desk also keeps you from getting up constantly while you’re in the middle of finishing work. If you’re concerned about gaining weight, then eating healthy should be your main option. Choose healthy snacks such as fresh fruits, whole grain bread, yogurt, unsalted nuts, hard-boiled eggs, and canned fish. For lunch or dinner, go for low-fat salads filled with greens (lettuce, spinach, kale) and a variety of toppings such as whole grains, nuts, and hard cheeses. Sandwiches comprising scrambled eggs, shredded chicken or fish, and roasted beef are also great and delicious options to give you a much-needed energy boost.
5. Watch a movie while working
Watching a movie while working is never an option for most companies. For obvious reasons, companies do not tolerate employees using office computers as streaming devices. Penalties are even strict for first-time offenders on some occasions with some employees being dismissed on the spot. But thankfully, you’re not working in an office and if you’ve always loved movies and managed to successfully multitask work and movie time in the past, then continue working in that routine as long as you’re in a WFH work setup.
Similar to listening to music, watching movies can also aid in relieving stress. And if you’re using two monitors, switching between work and watching a movie won’t become a hassle. You don’t need to watch multiple movies throughout your shift as you can pause on certain scenes when you’re bombarded with tasks at work. Take note that this tip isn’t for everyone and if you feel like watching a movie does more harm than good, then stop immediately. Additionally, also stop when you’re experiencing dizziness and eye problems.
6. Make use of free productivity tools
If your company is providing you with all the productivity tools to help you finish daily tasks, then you shouldn’t have any problem. But if you feel like your boss isn’t giving you the right tools then it’s time to put the matter into your own hands. In this age where technology drives business operations, the importance of productivity tools or apps cannot be stressed enough.
Productivity apps mostly come in freemium plans but if you’re the only one who’ll be using it there’s no need to avail of a monthly or yearly subscription. These apps are classified into categories such as note-taking/to-do list, time tracking, project management, collaboration, and office work. Trello, Google Keep, and Evernote are the best note taking/to-do list apps; Harvest, RescueTime, and DeskTime for time tracking; Gantt, Hubstaff Tasks, and Nifty for projection; Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Slack for collaboration; and Google Drive, Microsoft Office, and HubSpot for office work.
7. Spend the entire day in a cafe or co-working space
Working from home doesn’t have to mean working in the confines of your room every single day. As long as you have a laptop, you can practically work anywhere that has affordable or even free Internet access. Cafes or co-working spaces are great places to spend the entire day if you feel like productivity is taking a hit while at home. It’s a change of scenery and you’ll also be presented with some delicious food as well as fast and uninterrupted Internet. At this rate, you may want to consider spending the entire week or month at these places.
Although the idea of working in a quiet and oftentimes visually stunning location can be alluring, it can also be very pricey. Take note that cafes or coffee shops require their customers to purchase drinks or food to get access to amenities. Additionally, co-working spaces require upfront payment which usually covers hourly or daily rates. You might be spending a chunk of your salary when choosing these places, but if you feel more productive when actually being outside your home then go with the decision you feel is the best one.
8. Take an extended leave
Taking an extended leave can either mean taking a vacation or resting up in your home for several days. But whatever it may be, it all means the same thing: you’ve completely shut yourself from the company for at least the next few days or weeks. It may not the most ideal thing to do but it helps you increase productivity once you get back. Even CEOs take some days off, you should too as well.
If you've been working with your company for more than a year, you’re entitled to have an extended leave. If you’re a freelancer, then this shouldn’t be a problem as you can take your leave at any time. An extended leave will help you recharge your batteries and keep you fresh for another round of challenges when you return. In contrast, a very long leave can also be detrimental to your productivity and cause concern for your employer. Discuss with your immediate boss ahead of time so that you’ll reach an agreement on the number of days you’ll be out.
Remote work can be very stressful, even for those that have been used it for years. So, if you’re finding trouble yourself, the seven working from home tips listed above should be enough to help you not only increase productivity but also advance your remote work career.