10 Tips to Stay Motivated While Working From Home

Working from home brings numerous perks but it also has its fair share of disadvantages. One common disadvantage that people on a remote work setup seem to agree is that motivation can be very hard to find on certain occasions. If you’re part of this group, whether it be a full-time job or freelance work, then here are some tips that can help you stay driven and inspired while working from home:
1. Set regular targets
If your work doesn’t require accomplishing complicated tasks or meeting strict deadlines, then it’s time to make a different approach when doing your work. A solution for this to set regular targets. By making efficient goal setting a priority, you will be focused on finishing your tasks faster and more efficiently. This also helps you from slacking off and finishing a task that is a result of procrastinating.
Alternatively, if you’re faced with numerous tasks on a regular basis but still remain unmotivated then you can always tweak how you set your targets. One option is to work on complicated tasks at the start at the shift and end with easier ones before you punch out from work. Another option is to multitask and work on different tasks a the same time. When it comes to weekly and monthly targets, you can always work on them immediately if you’re finished with current tasks and looking for something to keep you busy. Remember that keeping yourself busy doesn’t only result with a motivation boost but also help you stay sharp.
2. Look for training opportunities
Speaking of keeping your mind sharp, one way to motivate yourself when on a remote work setup is to look for training opportunities. This doesn’t mean giving up your job as you can do this while working or even you’ve finished all your work-related tasks for the day. When it comes to training opportunities, this can either mean learning a new skill or developing an existing one. Additionally, these opportunities also pertain to virtual seminars or conferences you can attend.
With current times being difficult due to to the Coronavirus pandemic, staying at home for extended periods may be difficult for your physical and mental health. But it does bring several benefits and this is one of them. You may even get a part-time job after you’ve finished your training and this is only good news for you as you don’t learn additional skills but you make money working from home. LinkedIn is a great way to get some online training done as the social networking platform posts hundreds of free trainings on their site via the LinkedIn Learning tool.
3. Maximize breaks
Whether you’re bombarded with tasks or not, it is important to take some breaks every once in a while. This won’t help you recharge but keep you motivated throughout the entire work day or work week. Although being in a work from home setup gives you easy access to your bed as well as the television, having these home essentials in the vicinity of your work space doesn’t always translate to having more time for breaks.
If your company is strict with one hour lunch breaks and 15-minute short breaks even during a remote work setup, maximize this time by taking a quick nap or reading a book. Avoid using electronic devices as this might give you headaches or eye problems. There are numerous ways to relax while on your breaks and it’s just not limited to using a smartphone or tablet. If taking a nap is proving to be difficult, grab a book or have a short chat with your home companions. This will keep you relaxed and even give you a boost of energy as you finish all of your works for the day.
4. Develop an after-work routine
If you’ve been accustomed to taking a coffee or doing some quick exercises in the morning, then have the same routine when you’ve finished your work. Some of the benefits of having an after-work routine is that it improves moods, boosts productivity, and promotes overall health. Although having dinner and spending time with loved ones are the obvious routines that you can do, but you can always do more to especially if you want help relaxing your mind and body before going to bed.
Whatever routine you do before going to work can also be done after work. But there are numerous activities that you can do, with some better accomplished at night without the added stress of thing about work. Some of these activities include doing light exercises (yoga, jogging), playing video games, tending to your plants/garden, and streaming videos, among many others. Also, getting some additional training done is also an option considering it doesn’t stress you out. Remember that after-work routines are meant to keep you relax, not make you more stressed than you already are.
5. Interact with colleagues
Maintaining employee motivation when on a remote work setup can be very tough. Even freelance workers sometimes find it difficult to adjust to a work from home schedule. That is the reason why interaction with colleagues is important as it doesn’t only help build relationships but also ease the isolation that always comes with remote work. Interacting with colleagues doesn’t have to mean turning on the computer camera and getting into a video call with office mates the entire day, although some companies have this policy when it comes to remote work. Interaction can also pertain to chats or short conversations before or after meetings.
If you’re not the type of person who likes to open up and initiate a conversation, you can always start by seeking assistance from colleagues for tasks that are confusing or complicated. You can also ask help from your direct supervisor or manager as they are the ones that are willing to help you out especially if you’re still new to the company. Not everyone is accustomed to working remotely especially when it comes to using numerous working from home accessories. If you are one of these people then one of the things that can help you adjust quickly is to have constant communication with your virtual officemates.
6. Buy some new office equipment
If you have been wondering why your productivity has dropped lately, it might be because of your old office equipment. It isn’t surprising that faulty and ineffective equipment can be the main cause of stress whether it be working from home or in an office. Purchasing some new stuff shouldn’t have to set you back hundreds of dollars as there is no need to spend big on those high-end expensive equipment. All you need are some productivity tools that function properly and that can last for around one to two years.
Your work from home equipment checklist should comprise several of the following: keyboard, mouse, computer desk, wifi router/extender/repeater, ethernet cable, diffuser, humidifier. You can also add a desk or computer chair on the list. Whatever stuff you will be buying, make sure to check if you actually need it and don’t forget to look for affordable deals before you make the purchase. Worst case scenario is that you bought an equipment for a full-price when there’s another store selling it for much cheaper and even sold it together as a bundle with another equipment.
7. Maximize having more time with family
Since you will be remotely working for the foreseeable future, you might as well as maximize your time at home with your family or companions in the household. This is also one of the several work from home opportunities you can full take advantage of. Whether it be for individuals wanting to spend more time with their new born children or elderly parents/grandparents, work from home setups have most of the time helped individuals strengthen their relationships with other members of the family. Additionally, in this time of a pandemic where travel is very limited, you can enjoy family bonding moments at home or a place where crowds are controlled such as parks or malls.
But always take note family time can be tricky especially if you’re working on a full-time basis. Your companions may often distract you from getting some work done, resulting in unfinished tasks and eventually lose of motivation as you always get distracted. To help you with this, inform your family ahead of time and don’t forget a write a note/signage if you’re in a conference call or in the middle of a very important task.
8. Practice a healthy lifestyle
When your body and mind isn’t cooperating with your work, then it’s time to shift to a more healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise and a healthy diet aren’t only for professional athletes but also for business professionals. With a healthy lifestyle, this keeps your mind and body sharp and will help you keep focused on finishing your tasks at the earliest time possible. In contrast, if you feel too tired or too lazy then most likely there will be zero work that is accomplished within the day.
When it comes to exercise, there is no need to some heavy lifting or running for you to be fit. There are numerous exercise tutorials you can watch online that are specifically made for individuals who don’t necessarily workout. Additionally, you shouldn’t worry if you’re a beginner as there are hundreds of videos for beginners as well. As for having a healthy diet, choose a diet that is free of fried or fatty foods. Instead, replace them with fruits and vegetables and choose meat cuts (poultry or fish) that are lean and contain less fat. Go for a diet rich in Vitamin B6/B9/12 (poultry, fish, spinach, broccoli, milk) , Vitamin C (citrus fruits, tomatoes, bell peppers), and Vitamin D (fortified milk and cereals).
9. Plan or take a vacation
Nothing burns out an individual faster than working endlessly for five to six days a week. Not even the most productive and most determined of remote workers can sustain long stretches of non-stop work, whether it be working overtime shifts or meeting clients multiple times in a single week. That is why taking a vacation is essential. But remember it doesn’t have to be a week-long trip to another country even if you have the extra time and the extra budget. Taking a vacation can be simple as getting on a road trip to another city, getting some sunbathing done in the beach, or getting in touch with nature on an overnight camping trip in the forest or mountains.
But if taking a vacation is a long shot due to your busy schedule, then planning your vacation is the second best thing you can do. Although it’s not as enjoyable as the actual vacation itself, at least you’ll be looking forward to making plans and changing them all the way. Always remember that the best vacations are the ones that are properly planned.
10. Stay positive
If you’ve been working on a remote job for quite some time now, then you know it’s completely different from having a regular desk job. And whether working remotely was your choice or not, things can get very stressful. In this case, never lose hope and always stay positive. Every employee goes through trials in which they think they can’t overcome. Whether its family problems, financial problems, or even work problems, life always finds a way to return to a sense of normalcy after undergoing great struggles.
Staying positive doesn’t get any more relevant in these times of a pandemic. The Coronavirus has negatively impacted the lives of millions of people and it will continue to stay that way until vaccines will be given to a large population.
With the tips listed above, you should no longer have any problem staying motivated for your remote work. Although motivation can be lost from time to time, it should not become a long-term issue. Remember that the longer you stay unmotivated, the faster you lose chances to advance your career.