Jean Paul Quotes
Jean Paul, also known as Jean Paul Richter was one of the most popular humor writers of the 19th century. At the age of 15 his father passed away, leaving the whole family and though financial conditions. Due to which Jean had to leave his studies and work as a teacher. But by this time, Jean had already acquired great literary knowledge. Jean started going to a grammar school when he was just six and learnt philosophy and theology in Leipzig from 1781 to 1784.
1. Love

"Paradise Is Always Where Love Dwells"
2. Humanity

"Humanity is never so beautiful as when praying for forgiveness, or else forgiving another"
Instead of following his father’s footstep and making a career in religion, Jean decided to pursue a career in writing. His first Satire was published in 1783 and in 1789, he wrote one more satire which did not receive a favorable response. In 1790, when John was under the financial and spiritual crisis he had a vision of his own death, which changed his outlook towards the life and Jean changed his writing style from satire to humor.
His novel “The Invisible Lodge” published in 1793 was appreciated and became a success. This success was followed by another of his critically acclaimed novel “Hesperus”, which he wrote in 1795. This novel made him a celebrity overnight and many other writers of that era began to admire him. Apart from writing novels, Jean has written many inspiring quotes. His quotes on friendship and life inspire a lot of people even today. This wonderful German writer from the early 19th century also invented the term “Doppelgänger”.