Julia Roberts Quotes
Julia Roberts was born in Smyrna, Georgia on October 28, 1967. It was in 1968 that she made her television debut in the series Crime Story. In 1989, audiences saw her in Steel Magnolias which earned her the Academy Award for her outstanding performance. One of the most successful films in which Julia Roberts had starred is undoubtedly Pretty Woman which had Richard Gere co-starring with her.
- Famous Quotes about Life
- Success Quotes
1. I Wish I Were A Little Girl

"I Wish I Were A Little Girl Again Little Girl Again Because Skinned Knees Are Easier To Fix Than Broken Heart"
2. Fever is a Expression

"A fever is an expression of inner rage"
3. Kind of energy

"The kind of energy I attract is very calm"
4. What changes with fame

"What changes with fame is the perceptions of the individual rather than the individual"
5. Be Yourself

"You can be true to the character all you want but you've got to go home with yourself"
6. Republican comes in the Dictionary

"Republican comes in the Dictionary just after reptile and just above repugnant"
7. True Love

"True Love does not come to you it has to be inside you"
8. ExtraOrdinary Job

"Iam Just an Ordinary Person.Who has an Extraordinary Job"