Mason Cooley Quotes
An American aphorist known for his witty aphorism, Mason Cooley always inspired us with his quotes and speeches. He was an assistant professor of English at Columbia of Staten Island and there he inspired students to be hardworking and dedicated. His quotes are exemplary and motivate us to never lie and be truthful to everyone. He inspires us not to do flattery for the sake of success.

"Forgiveness is like faith. You have to keep reviving it"
He always wanted to use every second of time he has and hate to waste even a minute, so through his quotes he always inspires us to never waste time and utilize it for our benefits.
He was an evident reader and always had an urge to learn something new every day. He motivates us to keep reading books and keep learning whole life because this is the best thing to achieve in their life. He was famous for his witty comments and this is visible in her quotes and he was able to say anything in funny way even the harshest comments.
He was a truthful person and never shied away from speaking the truth and he motivates us to do the same with his inspiring quotes. His quotes inspire us to live a simple life and motivate us to be happy in every phase of life. His quotes inspire us to limit our needs and live a simple and peaceful life. He wanted to guide the people to walk on the path of hard work and inspires them to achieve great heights.