Leonardo DiCaprio Quotes
Leonardo DiCarpio Quotes are right now alluring the world. He is such a successful person who is an abode for awards and recently even popular for leonardo dicaprio oscar. It is for his creative hard work and mettle he is awarded by golden globe awards and many such academy awards. Leonardo DiCarpio wants to prove his potential and just do not want to get dubbed as a hunk. This is what he has resembled the world from his acting all over the years.
1. About Mom

2. Life

"Being dubbed as a hunk sort of annoys me. It gives me a yucky feeling"
3. About Hard Times

"Be Thankful for the hard times, for they have made you"
4. About Movies

"I didn't know what types of movies I wanted to do. I want to do things that are different. I want to take my time with each role"
5. Happiness

"If you can do what you do best and be happy, you're further along in life than most people"
6. About Mother

"My mother is a walking miracle"
7. About Age

"Thirty is a very good age for an actor: you can play both young and old men"
8. About His Career

"When a role for a young guy is being offered to me, I think of River Phoenix. It feels like a loss"
9. About Attitude

"I'm not the kind of person who tries to be cool or trendy, I'm definitely an individual"
10. On Love

"To believe in love, to be ready to give up anything for it, to be willing to risk your life for it, is the ultimate tragedy"
All the people started observing him as a success icon and all this is possible for him with the intense reputation and the unique mark which he has on every work he does. He speaks and thinks with great insight. So, the leonardo dicaprio quotes wolf of wall street are even popular. Make sure to follow his every quote and this gives you a new meaning to lead life.
Each and every day he has something to do, and many a time he proved the world that he won’t take things for granted. Rather he changes every opportunity to favor him and complete his projects and tasks with intense attention. He draws inspiration from every single source on earth and this is for which he has been getting awarded for his splendid direction in his movies.
His range of achievements is going on increasing. He tries to get into the shoes of the character and does everything which he can do from his side. This is why the world and his fans particularly adore him for.