9 Books to Read to be a Better Employee

Employees are the backbone of any organization. They carry out the various tasks in an enterprise and each of them brings his/her unique skills and knowledge at work. As an employee you have to go through several challenges and hardships daily. Boredom, ennui, lack of energy, enthusiasm, or anxieties about underperformance can all have a crippling effect on your work life.
Reading good books can elevate your mind, remove negative thoughts and make you more happy and joyful.
Here are 9 must-read books for employees
1. Super Brain, Unleash the Explosive Power of Your Mind By Deepak Chopra and Rudolph E Tanzi
This book is by two pioneers from medical science. It help you transcend the brain’s potential through self-awareness and conscious intention. It shows how you can do your everyday tasks better, develop better communication and lead a happier life through spiritual upliftment.
2. The 5 Essential People Skills by Dale Carnegie
It is a step-by-step guide to help you learn assertiveness in the workplace as against being aggressive and passive. It helps you master five essential skills- building rapport, showing curiosity, improving communication, becoming ambitious and conflict resolution.
3. Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-free productivity by David Allen
It helps to organize your work and relieve your work pressure in day to day activities. It will help you understand the tasks- how much you should do, how much to delegate.
4. Work Smarter Not Harder by Timo Kiander
Most employees complain about working hard all their lives and not getting any monetary gains or satisfaction. Timo Kiander’s book gives you 18 productivity tips to improve your everyday performance. Techniques relate to how to be prepared for meetings, avoid clutter in inbox, why you should take short breaks and so on.
5. The Power of the Subconscious Mind by Dr Joseph Murphy
Most often the barrier to aiming high is your conscious mind which is more concerned with your present reality and past. Harnessing the power of your subconscious mind can help you overcome your mental obstacles, stay focussed on your goals and attain success, according to Dr Joseph Murphy
6. Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson MD
This book will help you how to deal with change and remove the anxieties and fears about managing the future. It shows you the value of freedom and urges you to go in search of cheese (happiness). It teaches how to change with the times to attain success and happiness.
7. I am Ok, You are Ok by Dr Thomas A Harris
You may have been conditioned from early childhood by your parents, teachers and family members. Sometimes, impressions formed in early childhood can have negative impact later on in your life. This books help you understand the three different positions we take in our everyday transactions- Parent, Adult and Child (PAC). This best seller will help you to understand why people behave in a particular way and how to deal with them.
8. How to Have a Good Day by Caroline Webb
It explains how to use behavioral economics, psychology and neuro science to improve your work life. It shows how to work under pressure, handle work place conflicts, dull meetings, face setbacks and routines.
9. What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast by Laura Vanderkam
The way we spend our morning time has an important bearing on how well we do our job, our productivity, success and happiness. You must achieve work-life balance.