Easy and Effective Tips on Public Speaking to Take Away from Yoda

Why it is that people should think about themselves as Yoda while giving presentations? We can learn a lot about presentations from this Grand Master. No matter how perfect you are, but still there is stage fright.
You come across many other aspects going on in your mind when you have to give public presentations. Here are some of the effective tips on public speaking.
What the Audience Wants
Whenever we get an opportunity to give a presentation, we start processing our own perspective. We give information which we want to convey, but it should be vice versa. We need to spend time on thinking what the audience wants to know or receive.
You need to know who you are going to address and how to make a bond with them. Then only, you can prepare your content by keeping in mind about the audience demand or taste. It will make your speech more effective and lure the public towards your speech. Create content that affects them.
Be Focused and Confident
You should be focused towards your audience and confident. Connect yourself with them and find out ways how to keep them engaged. Instead of only thinking, decide to take action and you’ll see half the battle is won. Do not overcome yourself with self-doubt; once you have decided to do it in your mind, just go ahead, it’s as good as done.
“Fear is the Path to the Dark Side”
“Fear is the mind-killer”. It can paralyze action. It will not allow us to take risks or move forward. Yoda tells us to discover the root cause that holds us back by giving us pain and fear. Identify the specific cause of it and then only you can banish it. All our communication and behaviors are correlated. It means that our physiological and emotions determine our actions along with what we communicate. Fear will let you down so if you are fearful while on stage, you will give yourself away.
This will have a negative impact on the audience and they too would feel uncomfortable. Fear leads to poor decisions and anger so overcome your fear before addressing the audience. To handle your nerves, just think about someone you love a lot and haven’t seen for long when backstage and convince yourself that you are going to see that person when you go on the stage. This drives the fear factor away from inside you to some extent.
Do not be Arrogant
When people on stage feel as if they are a hero, they somehow speak arrogantly by mentioning words like “I, me, my”, “I will do this and you will admire”. Such statements reflect the arrogance inside you. The presenter’s success can be judged by the response of the audience. It is completely dependent on how they adopt your ideas.
The presenter is not a protagonist. Always keep this in mind and you need to respect that as the audience has the power to spread your ideas far and wide or let it die.
Get rid of your negative self-talk and give positive messages which are the key element of the successful presentation.