5 Success Factors for Students

A key to a successful professional career usually starts in the classroom. It isn’t surprising that the most successful of professionals developed good habits while still studying and not in the workplace itself. That is why student life is crucial for one’s development so that full potential will eventually be reached. Here are the five most crucial success factors for students:
1. Healthy relationships with fellow students
Although grades are highly important (higher education graduates looking for jobs are mostly judged by their grades after all), it’s not the defining moment of one’s student life. Social interactions (also called “social life”) are as important to have excellent grades and are key for students to build relationships once they step outside of the classroom. It’s also safe to say that most lengthy relationships stem from relationships formed in school and not in the workplace.
Extroverted students may have an easier time talking to other people but this doesn’t mean that the introverted ones fail to build any form of friendship with classmates and schoolmates. They may not have a bigger circle but they are more than content with the group they hang out or study together with every day. It only becomes a problem when students don’t have any interactions at all. This severely affects their mental health and will have a hard time with career development once they graduate.
2. Firm yet sympathetic instructors
The entire academic learning rests on the shoulders of instructors, teachers, and professors. Without proper instructors, students will be leaving classrooms (or online class sessions which are very common these days) with zero learning experiences and will risk facing real life with no proper advice. Since parental involvement is limited inside the classroom, instructors need to act as second parents and help guide students (especially primary school students) to make good moral decisions.
The most effective instructors are the ones who are firm yet sympathetic. Although being strict helps with instilling discipline, being strict 90% of the time won’t help middle school or high school students reach their full potential. In fact, it will only hinder confidence and may even cause students to develop long-term anxiety problems. Instructors need to practice a balancing act, ensuring learners are disciplined yet encouraged at the same time. With this, students will have an easier time studying and taking exams knowing they won’t get a scolding every time they get a low score.
3. Attainable subject requirements
Most instructors or professors require their students to pass multiple requirements aside from the usual exams and homework. And oftentimes, these requirements can be overwhelming especially if students are also submitting other requirements from other subjects. Among these requirements include research papers and end-of-semester reports.
Although it's all part of the school life learning process, instructors should try to create a balance between lengthy paper works and exams if they want to ensure they are imparting the right amount of knowledge to students. Too much paperwork will only become a hindrance to the student’s learning and will actually be counterproductive. Not even the most hardworking of students want to be bombarded with dozens of exams and reports at the same time.
4. A conducive study environment
Schools are not only venues where classes are held but also venues where students can study and learn in a conducive environment. Specifically, libraries and study areas complete with learning materials (e.g. books, publications, e-books, etc.) are usually provided and updated on a regular basis. Some schools even have their own in-house cafe where both students and faculty can relax in their free time. These cafes are both upgraded study areas and places for enjoyable social interaction.
Study areas inside the campus are very helpful especially for students looking for study areas outside their own homes. Not everyone is comfortable studying at home even if there are no issues with family members or with home amenities. In fact, a majority of students prefer studying in libraries since it allows them to focus as well as temporarily forget about problems outside schoolwork. Learning is severely affected if some of these facilities are absent, especially libraries.
5. A peaceful home
Student success is also highly dependent on whether the student is living in a peaceful home or not. It’s safe to say that when students have fewer issues at home, they are more focused and determined to complete whatever school tasks come their way. Eventually, the focus will lead to higher grades and a faster path towards graduation ceremony.
Unfortunately, not all students are blessed to have a peaceful home. This is where instructors and school directors need to come in so that students can still focus on getting high grades despite experiencing whatever problems they have at home. School personnel should assist in any way they can, whether it be counseling or financial support. As previously mentioned, they have a responsibility to ensure students are physically and mentally fit to attend classes every day.
In closing
There are multiple factors that need to be considered for students to achieve success inside the campus. At the end of the day, these factors need to come together so that students don’t only pass their subjects but also graduate with flying colors. This results in better career choices, specifically jobs with high-paying and career advancement opportunities.