Setting Goals for the Coming Year

This is that time of year when we start to evaluate what we have accomplished this past year and what we are hoping to achieve in the New Year before us. When we think about we did and did not accomplish, and what we would like to put on our goals list for this coming year, there are a few things we should keep in mind to increase our chances of success.
If we are sure to be mindful of these things while planning for the coming year, we can be sure that we will accomplish more than we may have thought possible. One of the most important things we can do is be certain that we are setting goals that support our personal definition of success, and not anyone else’s.
We are more motivated and less likely to have the tasks we are doing feel like “work” when we are working on something that we are personally passionate about. When we stick to the ideas and definitions of the success of others, we often feel unfulfilled and less motivated to complete tasks. Take the time to look at what inspires and motivates you, what brings you joy and feelings of accomplishment, and find a way to work these into your goals.
Another very important factor is to make sure that your goals are broken down into small and manageable steps. What can you accomplish today, this week, this month? Breaking things down in this way allows you to not feel too overwhelmed, and allows you to have small victories along the way. People underestimate the importance of this.
To set small and manageable goals, visualize the rungs of a ladder with your ultimate goal on top. Each rung is a step towards ultimately accomplishing your goal. Each step is a success and each one brings you closer and closer to your goals. Sometimes, a small victory can make all the difference.
Lastly, schedule time in to work on these goals each day or week. Putting this time on a schedule and in a slot is making a commitment to yourself. You are far more likely to do something that you have written out, are forced to look at on a regular basis, and is a reminder of what you are trying to achieve. Think of the sense of accomplishment you will get each time you can cross one of these items from your list.
This is a wonderful chance to show yourself that if done in the right way, you can accomplish anything that you set your mind too. You can make it more realistic and less overwhelming, and you can create opportunities that allow you to have successes on a regular basis, which in turn keep you continually motivated. Motivation equals success, and success equals a feeling of accomplishment and pride. I can’t think of any of us who are not in need of that type of a reinforcement.