10 Good Books to Read on Innovation

Innovation and creativity are the two vital aspects of our life that lead us to advancement. As the name suggests, innovation is related with modernizing the existing things in order to make them expand their scope of functionality.
However, innovation cannot be learned, but there are certain books which can help one to think outside the box as well as to get motivated. One can find a myriad of books on innovation find in a library. Some of them are just masterpieces.
The most influencing 10 books on innovation of all times are listed below.
1. Thinkertoys by Michael Michalko
Here the author has written techniques which can help one to think in an unorthodox manner. With the written mind swirling exercises, one could able to generate ideas and also able to see things differently, unlike everyone else.
2. This is Service Design Thinking by Marc Stickdorn & Jakob Schneider
23 authors came together to share their knowledge on service designing through this book compilation. They have written about service deign thinking in a way which is extremely helpful for beginners and students.
3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship by Peter F. Drucker
This book is replete with case studies which can be quite helpful in understanding what innovation is all about. Moreover, this book also shares an outstanding take on the daily practices of entrepreneurship and innovation.
4. Brain Rules by John Medina
This book is nothing short of an encyclopedia to our brain. It gives insights about how exercise improves the process of acquiring knowledge, the effect of stress, the development of brain power to never abstain learning, value of sleep for learning and much more.
5. Reinventing Organizations by Frederic Laloux and Ken Wilber
The Author has written about how a change in our way of thinking can help in achieving something extraordinary. The Author has also shown how it happened in the past and thus, readers can draw immense inspiration from the book’s content.
6. Made to Stick, Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die by Chip Heath and Dan Heath
This is a wonderful book about the way to make your ideas more sticky. It has rounded off 5 traits which are exceedingly helpful for innovators.
7. The Innovator’s Dilemma by Clayton M. Christensen
This is one of the most resourceful and profound business books which have ever been written on innovation. It lucidly explains the differences between disruptive and sustainable innovations as one of the new views pertaining to practicing innovation. It was among the Steve Job’s favorite books.
8. Running Lean By Ash Maurya
Multiple people quit their job after reading this book. The reason is that it provides a completely fresh strategy on achieving the best product/market fit on the “business model generation” and “lean startup”.
9. Inside the Box by Drew Boyd and Jacob Goldenberg
This book completely flips the conventional wisdom which equates the innovation with breaking the constraints. It is among the best books that clearly define new ideas, services, and products fall within the specific universal templates while outlining the five techniques in which these patterns can be implemented to any sort of organizational problem.
10. The 7th Sense by William Duggan
Taking inspiration from some of the revolutionary leaders across the globe, the author has succeeded in explaining the “seventh sense” for producing useful and new ideas. What is more important about this book is that it offers a broad array of worksheets and practical exercises to help the readers cultivate the ability of seventh sense. It is a must read book for the innovators.
After reading these books, you would certainly start thinking like an innovator and would be able to transform your new ideas into a reality.