Some Disadvantages of Setting SMART Goals

Setting goals or detailed plans is necessary for one to prosper. This could be a good motivator for employees. But other than being a motivational aspect it could also turn out to be destructive to oneself or to an organization.
They come with their own set of risks and here are some of it.
1. Less Importance to Other Tasks
With your goals set, one usually put all his efforts on that one task. Particular goals made by you makes you more focused toward your objective, but this habit also makes you ignorant toward other objectives for which you not have done this kind of intense planning. This will make you miss a lot of opportunities while you are working towards your goals, and will also affect the performance on tasks which are not related to your goals.
2. Less Execution, More Procrastination
A person spends so much time on procrastinating about his goals and on analyzing that he forgets that plans work only if you execute it, and that’s when the real problem starts. Too mush procrastination makes one feel less confident about his ideas or goals, which in turn makes the execution of his plan even later. So setting goals is good unless you spend a lot of time on it, which could be really unprogressive because execution is vital for your goals to work.
3. The Pressure is Real
The pressure of achieving your goal is so real that it stresses your body and your mind. Some degree of push or pressure is needed so one can thrive and do his best, but that doesn’t work out for everyone. Hence all of it becomes stressful, and so he starts losing his interest and also becomes intimidated to the set goals.
4. Have the Power to Diminish your Confidence
Although achieving your goals or objectives can give you a sense of boost in your confidence, but not able to meet the set goals also makes one feel a whole lot of awful about themselves. If one doesn’t complete the set goals he may consider himself unworthy because all he did was work towards these goals and so the sense of failing could hit harder than he can imagine.
5. Different Interpretation by Different People
Getting enthusiastic about your goals is good but one this enthusiasm might also turn dangerous i.e. you might get really addicted to achieving his set goals. This addiction will make you less ignorant to another aspect of your life including your health, personal and social life. A break is needed for one to calm down a little and this addiction might leave you to feel depressed and isolated from the world.
6. You Get Addicted
Getting enthusiastic about your goals is good but one this enthusiasm might also turn dangerous i.e. you might get really addicted to achieving his set goals. This addiction will make you less ignorant to other aspects of your life including your health, personal and social life. A break is needed for one to calm down a little and this addiction might leave you feeling depressed and isolated from the world.
These were some disadvantages of setting goals, so don’t fall into the trap of achieving big things by completing these goals. Set goals that are challenging yet a little easy for you to complete