5 Proven Tips for Your Personal Values to Help Unify your Team

Personal values have a significant impact in our life. Personal values are the reflection of our needs, desire and what we care about most of life, and it is a cohesive force for the identity of a person. Personal values are the decision-making guidelines for our life. Knowing personal values of ourselves help us to stay true to ourselves so that we can easily move through our life.
There are some ways through which our personal values can help unify our team. Some of them are given below
1. We Need to Choose Values that Can Support the Purpose of Our Team
We need to careful that our personal values are not in direct conflict with team values. Every individual might have different personal values but when people are working together in a team it is important that they need to concentrate on.The team values rather the personal values. But we need to choose only those team values which are needed to fulfill the team’s purpose. If we have common values in a team then only we can work together in a team without any conflict. We need to build our personal values with the team values so that we can unify our team.
2. We Need to Describe our Values with Examples
There are mainly four core values which are needed for a team to success. These are Transparency, collaboration, success, and stewardship. We should understand these values properly to unify our team. The proper understanding of values in a team becomes a guideline to work with a team. There are many situations when there is a conflict arises in a team, and it destroys the unity of a team.Personal conflict becomes the team conflict. Hence, our personal values should be matched with the team values so that it can help unify the team. The greater the unity of a team, there is a chance of more productivity in the team
3. We need to Understand that the Process of Creating our Values is as Important as what the Words say about it
It might usually happen that we look the list of our values, it might not be clear to us as the list indicates it. This is because we are busy and engaged ourselves in a lot of conversations about what it looks like when we want to live with these values. When we look at the values we might sometimes ignore the exact meaning of the words what it wanted to mean. To get a proper understanding of the team values we need to go thoroughly so that we can work together in a team. We need to create our values based on the team values so that unity in a team can be maintained.
4. We Need to Make our Values Public
We need to publish our values public so that it becomes front and centre of our life. This helps to guide with the same values in working with the team members of the team. When we make our values public, we are bound to maintain our values at any cost. These helps to boost the integrity of the team.
5. We Need to Hold Ourselves and Each Other Accountable for Living with our Values
It is stated that when we ignore values infractions, there is a chance that the entire team can lose its credibility and our values can become meaningless. When our values are clearly defined, then there is a possibility to have a discussion from a position of rational respect and not an angry accusations.