12 Main Principles of Change Management

Change management can be defined as any approach for changing individuals, teams, and organizations implementing different methods intended to re direct the business process, budget allocations, use of resources or any other modes of operation. The main reasons for change management are globalization and constant innovation of technology in a constantly evolving business environment. There is an ever increasing need for change and management because of phenomena like social media and mobile adaptability which has revolutionized business.
With so much of change in business environment, organizations have learned to become comfortable with the change as well.
1. Change Starts at Day one and Begins from the Top
The top levels CEO and leaders must start the changes first so that it can give motivation, support and strength to all the people of the organization as any change applied is unsettling at the starting.
2. Demonstrate Faith, Confront Reality, and Craft a Vision
People working in an organization are rational and they can ask different sorts of questions to the leadership. Leadership should portray strongly and confront reality to tackle the team wisely.
3. Practice Communication to Reinforce Core Messages
Regular communication is required to reinforce core messages to provide right information at the right time to the employees. Timely advice should be given to avoid miscommunication.
4. Assessment of the Cultural Landscape
Culture is as important as other things in the company. Proper assessment of culture should be taken care. Values, beliefs, behaviors must be taken into account for successful change in company to occur.
5. Unexpected Things can Happen
Prepare yourself for the unexpected things as people are less likely to accept changes easily and they can react in an unexpected manner. People don’t adopt changes easily as it is organization’s willingness, not the people working there.
6. Personal Interaction to the Individual as well as the Institution
Personal interaction is very important for each and every individual to explain the expectations of the company and making them understand the change in work profile.
7. Bottom Level is Affected more With Change
The real change happens at the bottom as more responsibility is handled by the executives and the managers so proper guidance and advice should be given by the leadership to work according to company’s vision and to execute specific mission.
8. Rewards for Motivation
Intrinsic rewards of a project are more important than materialistic rewards during the change in the organization.
9. Change the System to Change the Individual
First the system should be changed then only an individual working in an organization changes. Otherwise it does not function well.
10. Addressing Systematically to the Changes
Addressing should be systematic for the humans so that change can be adopted easily.
11. Ownership Should be Created
Leaders of the companies during the change must over perform and handle their responsibilities well . Ownership involves other individuals in solving problems.
12. Resistance Power
The change factor can create fear and anxiety which can lead to disturbance in change process. So resistance is very important principle for change management.
To bring transformation in any business, a company needs to undergo the change management. Change management is tough to handle for the leadership as it requires various strategies for the people. People in an organization implement it only if proper communication takes place to make them understand the company’s vision and mission