Proven ways to get More Done

Life comes at us at full speed. Even if our intentions are the best in the morning and we are determined to get through our to-do-list, it can be challenging to cope with time that flies and unforeseen situations that pop up during our day. Without a structure and a solid plan, many goals remain unfulfilled dreams.
Here are five proven ways to help you get more done.
1. Buy yourself a Passion Planner
Why You Need Smart Goals in Life
This is one of my favorite tools when it comes to outlining goals and designing your own future. For anyone who loves agendas, making lists, brainstorming, drafting up goals and having an overall structure and great outline of your time – the Passion Planner is the thing!
For only $29.99 you get a leather bound, 8.5x11” sized best friend to share your dreams, plans, desires, challenges and accomplishments with. This agenda is simply awesome, and it’s fun too!
You start by creating your Passion Roadmap and get a lot of help drafting it up by answering questions like “if you could have anything, be anything or do anything, what would it be”? You get help prioritizing your goals, adding specifics to break it down into easy steps and finally making it tangible by adding a timeline.
Each week starts with questions and reflection over the past week. What good things happened? What’s this week’s focus? What’s top priority in your private life and your professional life? At the end of each month, you go back and look at your goals. You will realize that you have accomplished things and taken steps along your road to success! You will also have a chance to ponder about what can be done better for the coming month.
You get a weekly inspirational quote. Here’s one of my favorites “It’s not enough to be busy: so are the ants. The question is: what are we busy about”? by Henry David Thoreau. You also get a weekly challenge, like this one: “This week, stop multi-tasking. Do one thing at a time without distractions. Assign tasks to timeframes by writing them in your weekly appointment calendar and stick to the schedule”.
My Passion Planner is of massive value and helps me be a better version of me!
2. Invest in a coach
For anyone who is serious about getting results and turning dreams into reality, investing in a good coach is crucial. It confirms your intention to make things happen and increases your chances of actually making it to the finish line, and much faster than if trying alone. To go for bigger results and our most beautiful dreams, we need the feed-back, support and perspective from a loyal source. Every athlete, politician and leader has a coach to help them stay focused, improve on all levels and work on challenges to avoid them from being held back.
Investing in a coach is actually investing in oneself. When wanting to turn dreams into reality or to achieve that one thing, investing in a coach immediately shifts up the speed. The money we put into our project in the form of getting a coach, gives us instant return as we tend to get way more serious in our actions when we put some skin in the game. It’s like knowing exactly what you have to do, but not quite finding or taking the time to do it. Then you invest in a coach, and because of that investment, you make sure to find and take the time to follow through, take the steps, do the things and keep going for the desired result.
In daily life, when talking to our friends and family, the conversation is an exchange of happenings, feelings and words from the parties talking. However, when you work with your coach, the whole conversation is focused on YOU, on your thoughts, dreams and actions. The simple fact to have the time to talk about you exclusively, can be enough to give you clarity in exactly what your next best step is and realizing that you already accomplished several important steps. Most people who work hard on achieving a specific goal tend to feel unsatisfied until they reach the very final destination. One very positive thing with working with a coach is that you will automatically break the big goal up into weekly projects and “report” the steps you’ve taken so far, thus making youfeel satisfaction along the way.
Your coach will help you lay out a crystal clear vision of your dream situation, design the appropriate action plan and hold you accountableto that plan. Your coach will be there along the way to encourage you, giveyou ideas from another angle andprovide honest feed-back that will help you improve and stay on track. Last but not least, your coach will help you acknowledge and celebrate both your smaller achievements as well as reaching your big goal.
Play with the thought once; that you had unlimited financial resources and could invest all you wanted in different coaches. You could get one for your health and fitness, one for your business, one for your public speaking skills, one to become an expert in the sales field and one to fulfill a dream – like developing your singing skills! Imagine the difference this would make in your life if you engage for a year. Think like a winner, invest in yourself and make it happen!
3. Have a plan
Make sure you actually have a written plan for what it is you want to achieve, no matter what area of your life it might be: money/income, business/employment, achievements/certifications, weight/fitness/health, love/relationships or contribution/giving back. Benjamin Franklin said “if you fail to plan, you are planning to fail”. Here’s some tough love for you: if you don’t know where you want to go or what you want to accomplish, rest assured, you will not get there and you will most likely not accomplish anything special. ( Strategies To Achieve Success )
The clearer and more detailed you are in your plan, the easier it will be to achieve your desired goals, by breaking down the plan into easy-to-take steps.
Having a written plan, that you actually work with and follow, will allow you to stay motivated as you will see clearly that you get closer and closer to reaching your big goal.
4. Take daily action
The only thing separating your dreams from reality is action.
Take daily action on your plan, follow up in your Passion Planner (or other agenda/written plan), set goals with your coach and work on them between sessions. Be serious about reaching your goals.
If you keep taking consistent action, step-by-step, thing-by-thing, every day and never stop – you WILL get results. How fast, big and much you’ll succeed depends on you, on how well you apply these steps and how much effort you put into reaching each little goal along the way to your BIG goal.
Decide that you are going to make it happen. Then go get your dream! ( Overcome Fear from your dream life )
5. Acknowledge your wins
As I mentioned in collaborating with a coach, acknowledging your small wins along the way is a part of the journey towards your final goal, and half the fun when celebrated properly!
Make sure to always acknowledge your efforts and celebrate your wins. Celebrate them with a supportive friend, your coach or perhaps in a blog post. Who knows, perhaps your story and your struggle is the ultimate inspiration for someone else to get started on their journey, or stop them from throwing in the towel and give up when the journey is long and uphill.
Most high-achievers and people who are serious about creating a positive change in their life put the bar very high and allow no set-backs. I believe it is very important to dare to take a step back, look at how far we’ve come – even if we’re not at our final destination yet, and reward ourselves for what we’ve accomplished along the way.