Problem Solving Skills Activities

Problem Solving Skills Activities

Problem Solving Skills Activities

Problem solving and critical thinking refers to the ability to use knowledge, available facts, and possible data to effectively solve problems. Employers are always looking for employees who can work through problems on their own or as an effective member of a team. Ideal employees can think critically and creatively, share thoughts and opinions, use good judgment, and make decisions. The activities in this section focus on learning how to solve problems in a variety of ways in the workplace.

1. Separate Idea Generation From Evaluation


Ideas That Can Boost Your Business

Effective problem solvers have learned to separate these two activities. Firstly ideas have to be generated and then evaluated. This is the most important principle of creative thinking. The reason is simple- creative problem solving requires both divergent and convergent thinking.

2. Test Assumptions


Create Your Path to Success

Test assumptions is probably the second most important principle of creative thinking as it is the basis for all creative perceptions. We see only what we think we see. We make assumptions about reality. The same principle holds true when using idea generation activities.

3. Avoid Patterned Thinking


Change The Way You Think

We all have certain set patterns of behaviour and thinking, which impede our creative thinking. The very thought of doing something different can be terrifying. Yet, creative thinking frequently requires us to do just that. The most important thing is to increase our awareness of how everyone is a victim of patterned thinking.

4. Create New Perspectives


Create Your Own Luck

There can be no creative product without a creative perspective. To produce something new we must see something new. What we see may be some previously overlooked element of a problem or a solution arrived at by combining two previously different problem elements or ideas.

5. Minimize Negative Thinking


Overcome Negative Thoughts

Unless you are an exceptional person, you are a natural critic. From an early age we have learned to analyze and criticize anything new. As adults being critical is our second nature. To break out of the web of negative thinking, try to develop more balanced responses to new ideas.

6. Take Prudent Risks


Gain Confidence From Failure

You cannot be a creative thinker unless you are a failure. No one ever truly succeeds without failing first. Many people fear risks because risks can lead to failure and nobody wants to be branded as a failure. But because we can’t survive without new ideas, we must constantly take such risks.

7 Problems As Goals


Challenges We Face

Anything that is difficult to overcome poses a problem. Most challenging situations present more than one goal to achieve. Instead, such a situation involves a series of processes to apply and evaluate.

8. A Gap Between The Real And The Ideal


Real Secrets to Success

It defines a problem as a gap between a current and a desired state of affairs. It means that there is a gap between where you are and where you would like to be. If you are unaware of your competitive position, or there is nothing you can do about it, then perhaps you don’t have a problem.

9. Tackling The Challenge


 Survive the Challenges

Most problems also involve some uncertainty and present a challenge. The type of problem you face will determine how to resolve it. There are and always will be routine procedures designed to tackle the majority of problems. The secret is to know when you need to be creative and when to fall back on routine procedures.

10. Searching For Solutions


Value of Patience

Patience is important as is the need to capitalize on chance events. A trained knowledgeable mind is required to recognize when combinations of events or elements suggest something new. But we need a way to search systematically for solutions.

When faced with a problem, the important thing is to be patient and composed. Study the problem calmly and break it up in parts to understand the point of generation point. You need to understand the source of the problem. In this way, you will find an instant solution to the problem. There may be times when you will need to dig deeper by assuming and taking risks, tackling the challenges in your search for a solution.