Mistakes of Leaders that Make Employees' lives Miserable

It’s rightly said that we learn from our mistakes but it’s wiser to learn from others' mistakes so that we can avoid them. By not making those mistakes we can progress faster. If Leaders who are largely responsible for company’s growth and good working environment if make the mistakes mentioned below, it can make a subordinate's life miserable.
Communist leadership style
The leader who shows less or no respect to his team members’ views and feelings will also never get enough loyalty from his crew. Every employee wants to be heard and has something to contribute to the company. The leader who wants everyone to keep shut and just obey his orders without asking or suggesting anything, will be perceived as dictator.
In such work culture employees often feel lack of independence and ownership to make decisions. Employee engagement and innovations are crucial for organizational success. When leaders only think and decide about everything, employees feel their ideas and passions are not been recognized and appreciated in the organization. When information is shared with employees and their knowledge sharing is encouraged automatically employees feel ownership towards company. In such environment whole staff endeavors to make valuable contribution in company goals.
No equal rules for staff and leaders
Things Great Mindful Leaders Do
Leaders who think that instead of them everyone else in the company needs learning and development lessons is actually setting bad example to his teams. The company needs to invest more in leaders and leader also should be ready to invest their time in company goals and vision. The leader who says it’s not required for me, I know all actually hampers the progress as he is not ready to update and learn..
Fear of change
Leadership at the Speed of Change
The leader who is not ready to change as per changing market conditions will not lead his company and team anywhere. To survive in today’s tough competition constant innovation is important. Also the leader who is not ready to make changes in relation to matters involving money and employee jobs causes threat to team progress.
No equal opportunities
The important trait of a good leader is being fair in his dealings with his team. He should not favor few people over others. Some conservative leaders who are close minded and are not ready for risk often prefer only experienced people over new talent. There are many examples of young talented employees who have given extra ordinary performances. They have novel ideas and energy to implement them fast.
A Leader who doesn’t put trust on his employees’ capabilities won’t be able to utilize best talents available in company. When employees’ talents and personalities are welcomed in the company, it leads to significant contribution.
Continuous working
Some high maintenance leaders believe in continuous work. They never take required rest or much needed breaks and expect the same from their staff too. Their life is constrained to only work and nothing else. They don’t know to be effective and productive at work everyone needs a good break where one can relax and rejuvenate and come back to work with more vigor.