Journey to Self Discovery
![Journey to Self Discovery](
Our life is a constant process of growing and out-growing; this includes our habits, our attitudes, and our ways or thinking. Our experiences are like building blocks that make us more aware of ourselves and others.
Learn from Painful Experience
We learn, sometimes through painful experiences, who we really are, what we truly want and desire; and most of all, what our purpose in life is. As I am writing this, on the brink of my 47th birthday, I look back and smile. I came a long way. All my efforts and suffering were not in vain – as Shade says it so beautifully – I have forgiven those who have mistreated me or were simply ignorant of my soul, at the center of which only love and kindness resides. I have never let go of my vision; healing myself and helping others to do the same.
I believe that we all came to this world to fulfill a specific purpose. My purpose was revealed to me pretty early in life. My mom was a teacher and she was my role model. Later on I became a teacher myself; even though it lasted for a short time as I just could not deal with classroom discipline. I have always been very sensitive and emotional; almost like a “sponge” and I could easily tell people’s feelings.
Like many others, I grew up in a dysfunctional and toxic environment. My mom was not only verbally and emotionally, but also physically abusive towards me. Even though I was a straight A student, and pretty much over-achiever, I was a deeply wounded young woman. Years later after studying psychology and counseling I understood that my mom just could not give me what she did not have.
Set an Example for others
Looking back, I was much stronger that I had given myself credit for. How many of other famous spiritual teachers, such as Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, and Debbie Ford, just to name a few. They set an example for many others, like me, that the pain and suffering softens you, makes you more compassionate, and most of all, by giving back to others what you have learned is invaluable.
After graduating with my Master’s Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy in 2003, a year later my company Triglav Life Coaching was born. It took me many years while I was working in challenging jobs as an outreach counselor, to obtain my national license as a marriage and family therapist. My vision was to work for myself and help people with my newly acquired knowledge. I spent years studying alternative healing modalities, such as Reiki, Clinical Hypnosis, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), and more recently, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) in addition to my more-or-less regular meditation practice.
Try Different from others
As it happens, Universe wanted something different for me. Losing my job in October 2012 was a blessing in disguise. I felt free for the first time in my life. In short 6 months I learned so much about business development and marketing that I haven’t learned before in 5 years since I have started my company. I hired a marketing coach and re-branded my company and named it Holistic Coaching International.
My vision is to help people not just locally, but also internationally by using Skype and my niche is helping women by providing them with a toolbox – my treasure chest – how to create the life that they have always wanted by removing stress in their lives. I plan to live 6 months out of the year here in Delray Beach, and the rest in Asheville, NC. I miss being close to nature.
My life journey was influenced by the spiritual growth that started to take place in my coming to the States. Who knows where my path will lead me? For now, I am happy in my skin. There are numerous options waiting for you out there if you are just willing to take a risk and take that extra step to face your fears. Your value of patience, courage, and persistence but the rewards are great.