How to Save Money

People say money can’t buy happiness but it is universally observed that the people who have enough money; actually live in peace and are not much sad either. Everyone wants to know ‘how to save money’. So there is no need to panic about this issue as every problem has a solution and this problem can also be solved effectively by taking certain brave and beneficial steps in life.
111 Ways to Save Money
The biggest problem today is not how to earn money but is ‘how to save the money you have earned’. Today, saving money is extremely important to have a good way of living. For fulfilling the varied essentials of daily expenses in life as well as for emergency issues, saving money is a must.
1. Before buying anything or taking up any service; ask yourself; do your really “need” it?
2. Turn off the television and other electronic items while you are not using them and this way you will save money by saving electricity bill.
3. Instead of buying varied numerous items, start selling those items in your house which are of no important use.
4. Sign up all the free customer services available.
5. Instead of buying any gift item from store you should make gift from your own hands.
6. Instead of going out for parties in expensive restaurant, you should invite the friends to your home and have fun.
7. While going for shopping you must make a list and then stick to it.
8. Repair your clothes instead of throwing them away and wear them again.
9. There is no need of you to spend excessive amount of money to spend on the entertainment section for your kids.
10. The clothes which are in good condition but do not fit you, you can use them for selling it to the needing party.
11. Whenever you buy any video game, keep on playing it till you have mastered its each and every level. Avoid buying many games at ones.
12. Drink plenty of water. This has numerous benefits as well as will save the unnecessary drinks and food items you eat as snacks.
13. There is no need of you eating fast foods as they are of no use and unhealthy too.
14. Quit smoking, drinking and tobacco.
15. Turn down the light i.e. turn them off in the day time.
16. Use the L.E.D. lights in your home instead of other power consuming lights.
17. Keep a yard sale every month.
18. Instead of buying books, prefer making a library card from the near library and read books from there in less charge.
19. Use solar energy items in your home.
20. Use induction cooker in your home.
21. Clean your house on your own instead of keeping maids.
22. Do not make use of credit cards.
23. Prefer long lasting appliances and accessories.
24. While shopping prefer the store which gives same product at lesser price rate.
25. Compare things before buying.
26. If you have skill of making something on your own then do it instead of buying from outside.
27. Strictly avoid the stress based spending.
28. Take help from your friends and family.
29. If the second hand product is good then buy in instead of new one.
30. If you signed up for membership of some club and have not used it then cancel it and take the money back.
31. Wash your hands. It will keep varied viruses and bacteria away from you, hence numerous diseases away from you as well. This will cut off your medical charges.
32. Shop at the big event sales.
33. Make your time count. If you are free then baby sit of do some other finance gaining part time job.
34. Stick to all the items which give you long term benefits.
35. No need of going to the shopping malls.
36. Avoid watching movies in the movie theatres and see them at home by downloading them later.
37. If you have extra space in your home then rent that area.
38. Before purchasing anything remind yourself of saving money for your other important aspects in life.
39. Eat healthy breakfast instead of buying from outside.
40. Dress yourself in simple and elegant way.
41. Whenever things go wrong try fixing them on your own.
42. Whenever in need just ask for help from friends and family.
43. Keep a small notebook in your bag always, so that whenever you have an awesome idea then you can write it down.
44. Buy a deep freezer. It will help you in numerous ways.
45. When you want to live by renting a place then chose a simple and cheaper place.
46. Start gardening for growing vegetables in your home itself.
47. Try going to faraway places by cheap public transport facilities available.
48. Do not go to an expensive hair cut and just cut your hair yourself at home.
49. Help people living nearby and charge them for it. Do not do anything for free in which you are good at.
50. Whenever any food item or any household item is available at cheap rates then buy it in bulk at the very opportunity.
51. Study hard and get scholarships for studying.
52. When you are buying your first car then prefer a second hand one. After you have mastered driving skills, saved enough money then go for your dream car, but until then have patience.
53. Prefer libraries for new books.
54. Keep inspiring and motivating you for saving money.
55. Never let go of any kind of beneficial company offers.
56. Wash and iron your clothes at home instead of giving it for same and spending money on these services.
57. Whenever you have a family and friends meet up then prefer inexpensive activities.
58. Read more often.
59. Drive a short to the places you want to visit.
60. Buy a simple and small house.
61. Do not speed up the vehicle; turn off the engines at red lights.
62. Do not ever over spend money on anything.
63. Cut off luxury meal parties.
64. Make most of the food items on your own.
65. Make snacks at home instead of buying from outside.
66. Do not overuse anything.
67. Keep things safe and with sufficient protection and away from damage so that it stays for a longer period of time.
68. Do not spend much on going vacations again and again. Twice a year is more than enough.
69. Doing payment from online basis makes the amount of cost a bit less. So prefer it more, as much as you can.
70. You should exercise more often.
71. Keep yourself healthy, it will obviously be beneficial for you plus your medical costs will also decrease.
72. No matter what happens, do not stop believing in yourself.
73. Make a list of most important expenses and save money for them in advance.
74. Let go of unnecessary and unhelpful expenses.
75. Wait for sales on branded items and do purchasing in that sale.
76. Evaluate future expenses and keep money for them in prior.
77. Spend money according to your priorities.
78. Before spending money think about all the essentials things which are more important to you and go through the priority list again.
79. Take up insurance plans for your life, your house, your vehicles, your business assets and all the long term financial items you possess.
80. Cut off meaningless expenses from your life.
81. Let go of unhealthy and expensive habits.
82. Focus on important expenses only.
83. Start saving money instead of spending money.
84. Avoid ordering daily meals from restaurants.
85. Avoid going out frequently for fun experience.
86. Let go of the urge to spend excess money on unnecessary items.
87. Keep your money in bank.
88. Don’t give more than sufficient amount of pocket money to children.
89. Teach your kids the value of money and importance of saving it.
90. Always spend on products which are useful as well as of reasonable rate.
91. Before making the purchase; compare its price from all the places from where you can get the same product and then choose the one which has the lowest price.
92. Do not spend of public vehicles if the distance of the place you want to go is near-by or of a walk able distance.
93. Always prefer investing money instead of spending money.
94. Whenever you make mistakes, forgive yourself instead of beating yourself up. This is a bad thing.
95. Be hopeful and optimistic.
96. Never lose hope no matter how bad conditions may get.
97. Always see the brighter side in every issue.
98. Whenever any kind of lose arises, stay calm and deal with it, stress will only increase tension and increase your expenses.
99. Presence of mind can think of better ideas in lesser rates.
100. Chose that bank which gives you benefits back.
101. Always make a budget before spending.
102. Keep regular check on your spending.
103. Always look for exclusive offers available online.
104. Take good care of yourself so that you would need no medical help.
105. Make your own healthy homemade skin care creams.
106. You can make your own homemade shaving creams as well.
107. There are always numerous free fitness schemes available online, grab these opportunities.
108. When you are scrubbing the dishes, turn off the water tap.
109. Always prefer appliances which are energy efficient.
110. Cut of the excess expensive.
111.Never ever give up in your life.
Why You Need to Save Money?
Everybody has feelings in their heart of love and affection for their families and friends. You need to save money not just for your needs but also for the people you love and care about, the people who are dependent on you for their needs and desires.
Save Money for Emergency
It is extremely important for you to save money so that when the time of emergency arises then you can handle it effectively. Presence of money in hand is very mandatory these days to avoid mishaps and unfavourable conditions to be handled efficiently.
Daily Expenses
To meet up the day to day expenses in life and family etc. presence of money is mandatory hence you should surely save money. Daily expense is a huge list in itself. It is very essential for everyone to have sufficient amount of money for this purpose.
Buying Your Dream House and Furniture
Everybody dreams of a house in which he can live with his family which has sufficient space and lovely decor. The dream house is what everybody earns money for and buying it someday. So, in order to fulfil your dream house and dreamy furniture you should save money.
Children’s Education
A child should be brought up right, he should be taught all the important essentials of daily life and simple but brave living at the very beginning of their childhood. The good teachers are the ones who can make them understand it and hence you need to save money for giving your child efficient education not just at childhood but throughout his educational life period.
For Retirement
You should always save some money for yourself as well. Being self dependent is extremely important these days. Save money for yourself after retirement. So that you can live a peaceful retired life. A life in which; instead of being bored; you just enjoying that phase of life.
For Vacations and Adventurous Trips
You must always have dreamt of going on an adventurous vacation alone of even with your family but for that you need sufficient funds. You need to save money for fulfilling your inner desires and dreams. The vacation time is relaxation time. You need to save money for experiencing few days off from work so that you can enjoy your life at its fullest.
Buying Dream Car
You must have a dream of possessing that brand new car which escalated your heart beats whenever you admire it. Everybody has a dream car and for achieving it you need to save money only then you can own your dream vehicle.
Save Money For Your Special Day “Wedding”
Wedding day is the most special day of everyone’s life. It deserves to be beautiful and grand so that this special day should become memorable for you. So you need to save money for making you wedding day, the most alluring heart warming day of your life.
The Biggest Mistakes We Make When We Try to Save Money
Saving money is very important and people do numerous things for dealing with their expenses but their lack of attentiveness and smartness makes them lose even more money. It is extremely important not to make silly mistakes while trying to save money.
Buying Cheap Quality Products
Some people tend to buy cheap quality of products in order to save money and forget that you are the one who will ultimate use that bad quality product. The quality of product is very important. If the rate of the product is unreasonable then you must understand that its quality is bad too. This will harm you at the end of the day and later on you will have to spend more money due to the losses made from that cheap product.
Hiring Unprofessional Agents For Work
Professional agents charge fair enough and it is even reasonable as their being professional is what gives you quality work and good performance. If you hire an unprofessional agent then the work done by him will not give you optimum results and may be it could even push you towards losses as well.
Not Buying Branded Apparels and Accessories
Branded companies give you good quality products and accessories which will not harm your skin and body but the cheap and inexpensive companies use cheap quality materials which is the result of it being inexpensive. So you should always spend on good quality items for your personal use.
Not Considering the Good Quality Services
It is always preferable for you to choose for the services which are of good and optimum quality no matter how much they charge but at least you will get optimum services which you desire instead of an unsatisfactory one just because it was cheaper.
Buying Inexpensive Unhealthy Food Items
Food is what will go inside your body. The type of food you eat will reflect your body, mind, personality and most importantly “the health”. Instead of saving money by buying unhealthy cheap food products you must spend money for eating fresh and healthy food items. If you will buy cheap and bad quality food it will ultimately make you lose money while you spend money in medicines.
Not Repairing Vehicles of Time
Vehicles need repairing time to time and this is extremely essential to keep in running and in good condition for a longer period of time. In order to save money there is no need of you to cut off the vehicle repair option from your expenses as you are the one riding those vehicles if something went wrong with it. It will take you with itself.
Doing Admission of Children in Inexpensive Underrated Educated Institutions
You must never compromise spending money for your child’s education. Instead of teaching him in a low paid educational institution and risking his future; you must always teach him in a good educational institution so that he can become an asset to you in future and not a liability. A good education makes a person humble, polite and brave which are some extremely important abilities to be in a person.
Money cannot buy all happiness of this world but it can surely help you give you all comfort you need. Actually this phase varies from people to people; money can give you happiness if you put a smile on some faces that are going through poverty by doing charity. Their smile from core of their heart and shining hopeful eyes sure gives a lot of happiness in the heart of the person doing charity and again for charity you need to save money.