Why Smart Managers Don't Fire Problematic Employees

Some employees can seem ineffective to their colleagues at times. It’s not because they’re irritatingly loud or because you caught them stealing paper clips from the office stockroom. They’re the employees who always seem to turn in sub-par work, affecting the entire team performance. Whatever the reason, you’re probably wondering why the manager hasn’t fired them yet.
But firing people is not as simple as it seems. It is huge decision that involves the company’s productivity, the office culture, and - in some circumstances - the future of the firm. Even if this particular employee gives the workplace a lot of headache, here’s why smart managers can’t hand them the pink slip.
1. Have Potential
People make mistakes. That colleague you dislike because he seems slow in understanding office processes could just be a late bloomer. Smart managers can smell potential even if it’s hidden under late reports or unmet quota. It’s unfair to simply fire someone without hearing their side. Managers might convey this evil persona, but trust this fact: they care about your career and don’t want to simply let you go.
2. Highly Challenging Tasks
There might be times when special tasks will be assigned to certain employees – without everyone’s knowledge. They’ll test new techniques and explore uncharted territory. In this regard, they’ll hit roadblocks that seem to have no end. This is something that will become obvious to their coworkers. Don’t be quick to criticize someone just because they can’t deliver. That’s probably because those tasks were out of their ordinary capabilities in the first place.
3. Middling Employees
Used to be star workers, Every employee will hit a plateau at some point in their professional life. One minute, you’re the captain of a ship that’s sailing through high waves – next thing you know, the waters receded and you’re stranded. It happened to me, and it will happen to my employees. People and events change all the time. That’s why although managers expect star employees to remain consistent; it’s understandable if they suddenly encounter problems that affect their performance. These issues are temporary.
4. Might Be Better at Other Tasks
To your eyes, your colleague might be terrible at research, analysis, or content management. But managers see differently. Workers can be transferred to another department where they might be a better fit for the duties in that division. Don’t think that managers are promoting or rewarding run-of-the-mill employees on purpose! Sometimes, candidates’ qualifications look different on paper and people only see their true skills once they are at the office.
5. Firing People Can Get Expensive
Employee turnover is expensive. It’s even costlier for small businesses that earn $50,000 a year or less. Recruitment, training, and leaving the position vacant cost money everyday than if that employee was kept. That’s why managers think of firing people ONLY as a last resort. Managers want to keep the same workers because they already have the skills, experience, and dedication to get the company going.
Don’t worry too much about your “lousy” colleague for now. If you think somebody in your team needs coaching, point them to your manager and let him deal with it. Focus instead on what YOU do best.