15 Positive Affirmations for Anxiety and Stress

Everyone desires a life full of peace and beauty all around with happiness. In today’s busy and hectic life; it is hard to keep calm most of the times. There are so many stressful factors around us each and every day. The stress levels in people have escalated so much that nowadays it is treated as a common notion which everyone faces regularly.
But a way of living with stress and anxiety is like a curse. This should surely be eliminated from our lives and the lives of our adored ones. You are the only one who can help improve yourself in positive ways by complete elimination of stressful things. You are your own best pal. Whenever you feel low; you are the one who knows what can escalate your energy into a positive direction, so do it. For that, the best way is daily positive affirmations to let go of all the anxiety and stress issues.
The stress issues and anxiety problems often tend to switch off the light of your heart and you start to feel helpless and weak from inside. You should always be brave; no matter how hard the situations may be; the best help you can give yourself is by trying.
Yes, you read it right. You should always keep trying instead of sitting back and weeping over things. These affirmations will ignite the light of your inner passion so that you can be at your best and stay calm.
1. I have complete control over the thoughts I have and the emotions I feel
2. My energy source is connected to positive thoughts and divine calmness
3. My heart and soul are always at peace
4. I am a person who is highly optimistic and has a positive approach to everything
5. I am extremely thankful to the almighty God for giving me the gift of health
6. I am grateful for being a supremely lucky person as I have everything I desire
7. I am happy for my good being
8. I am grateful for the appreciations I get from everyone
9. I am confident for the talents I possess as they bring success towards me
10. My heart is always full of grace and happiness in it
11. I attract peace towards me
12. I deserve all the beneficial things of the world and success
13. I have a heart which gives unconditional love and care to everyone
14. I am a magnet of all the good opportunities and positive energy
15. I am always at peace with everything around me.
These fifteen powerful positive affirmations will surely escalate the inner peace in you. You should go through them on a daily basis so that you can concentrate on all the good things you already possess and attract the other positive things towards you. There are many difficult times in life when you start losing hope and confidence in yourself. You just start drowning in the lake of self-pity and sadness.
There are times when you start feeling like a dead soul and just a monotonous body. The fact is; if you stay in this gloomy state then you will doom your soul. So it is extremely important for you to rise up and shine for the purpose you were born in this world.
Instead of being stressed up you should concentrate on making yourself better and tell yourself daily by looking at your eyes in the mirror that you are your own hero and you will do your best. No matter what hurdles come in your life, you will always keep your head high and face it with all your inner strength.