9 Most Effective Points to Cover in Executive Summary

An executive summary is written to impress the potential customer that will induce him to buy your product. It is a short description of the product in 250 words. So it should be attention grabbing material which creates a favorable impression in the minds of the reader and converts them to prospective buyers. It is the executive summary through which you talk to the customer. It should describe your product completely explaining the attractive features. All the information should be true and honest. It should be clear and trigger the interest to buy. In other words, it should have every vital piece of information.
One of the most common mistake everybody does is that they will prepare an attractive executive summary, but leave the substantial points without which the summary remains ineffective. Let us discuss what are all the important points to be added in your executive summary to make it appealing to the potential customers.
1. Captivate the mind of readers with an alluring Opening Statement
Just like an introduction to any article is the key to open the minds of the readers, an opening statement is a key which should open the minds of the customers. It should explain your product in a few effective words. You have to remind yourself of the fact that it is your requirement to make the investor invest money. With this thing in mind, you should get the reader close to the product. Don't think that you can add all the unique features of the product later.
2. Inform Them of the Problem you are Going to Solve
Get them informed that you are going to puzzle out the problem or the golden opportunity you are waiting to explore. By this, you give an answer to their question why they should buy your product or invest in your company.
3. The Probable Solution to the Identified Problem
Just make the customers informed about what you intend to offer them. Talk to them about what you do and what you have to offer them. Create an impression that you are going to find a solution to the identified problem. Don't use too many ineffectual words. Instead, Use meaningful words which will convey your message.
4. Tell them What Opportunity they are Going to Exploit
Give a brief description of the market share, revenue earned by the company and the growth prospects of your company. It should remove all the possible anxieties or worries the potential customers have in their minds before they decide to invest in your company.
5. Your Competitive Edge in a Few Words
Describe in a few words as to the competitive edge you have against your competitors. How you are better than some of your competitors. This will help them to make a favorable decision.
6. Give Justifications to the Plans you have Worked Out
Give reasonable justifications to the plans you have worked out to increase the revenue of your company. Inform how you plan to be capital efficient? How are you going to be judged by your investors or competitors?
7. Reasons for your Success
When you tell them about the reason for your success, don't just tell them that your company is the leader in the market. Give valid explanations as to why you are successful. Why your team was successful in taking the company to success.
8. Gain their Trust
Almost to the end you should give a commitment that you are going to fetch a fortune if they decide to invest in your company.
9. Politely Demand the money from the Investors
Finally, ask for money they plan to park in some attractive investment options available to them. A polite demand is the result of the effective executive summary you have done to impress them.
These are the nine effective points you need to cover in the executive summary.