Most Expensive T Shirts

Most Expensive T Shirts

Most Expensive T Shirts

T shirts are regular clothing items that people generally choose for casual wear. These are mostly inexpensive but it’s to stress here that there are some T shirts around that are accompanied by a really hefty price tag.

It’s not that these T-shirts are bejeweled with precious metals but most of the times these carry some noble thoughts behind them- be it in the form of helping the needy or conservation of Mother Earth. At times, the most expensive t shirts are the collectibles from iconic concerts or pop bands. Here is a roster on some of the most expensive t shirts you will come across.

1. Superlative Luxury - $400,000

superlative luxury

The Superlative T-shirt with sixteen certified diamonds is the most expensive of all T-shirts. The uniqueness of this clothing lies in the very way this is manufactured using varied sources of power & solar energy. Moreover, the production of this pricey T-shirt takes 100 percent less CO2 in comparison to what it takes in producing regular T shirts

2. UNICEF Cargo Flight - $300,000

unicef cargo flight

It’s apparently a simple white T shirt from UNICEF that features a green airplane dropping relief for the needy. But what’s so important about this simple T-shirt that makes it the second most expensive? Well, the money procured from selling these T shirts help to generate the needed funds for the betterment of the poor.

3. 1996 Olympics Hanes/UNICEF - 42,000 USD

1996 olympics hanes

Once again an UNICEF t-shirt comes to the list of most expensive t-shirts of the world. UNICEF partnered with Hanes before the start of 1996 Atlanta Olympics for helping kids in war-torn nations through T-shirt auction. The funds gathered from auctioning this T-shirt were offered to Olympic-Aid-Atlanta, the organization that looked after kids from the war-stricken countries.

4. Vintage 1966 Beatles Butcher Cover Album T-Shirt - 20,000 USD 

vintage 1966 beatles butcher cover album t shirt

5. Led Zeppelin 1979 Knebworth Concert T-Shirt - 10,000.00 USD 

led zeppelin 1979 knebworth concert t shirt

6. The Exploited 1992 Tour Concert - 150.000 USD 

the exploited 1992 tour concert

The t-shirts listed here are definitely some of the most expensive items in the world but it’s the thought behind them that make them invaluable assets. So, if you are a thoughtful soul and confident about your deep pocket, these T shirts- at least one of them- are worth a try for you.