9 Most Expensive Properties of Donald Trump

Donald Trump, the Republic party candidate for US Presidency, has been making waves during the campaign with his speeches that caught media headlines. He most often spoke about his wealth and the money he has made from his businesses over the years.
His major investments are in real estate and that began with his parents Fred and Elizabeth Trump who established The Trump Organisation. It was inherited by Donald Trump and he continued to expand the business.
Here is the list of 10 most expensive properties of Donald Trump
1. Estate at Beverly Mansion - Value : $10 M
Trump’s estate at Beverly Mansion is a large one having an area of 10,442 sq ft. It is located at Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills. It is mostly on rent and not occupied by Trump. Located near to Hollywood activities, it is valued at $10mn and is likely to go on sale.
2. Trump Winery - Value : $25 M
It is a multi-purpose venue which was developed by Donald Trump after its purchase in 2011. It hosts private weddings, has a winery, and a clubhouse open for rental. It is valued at $25 mn. The winery has won several awards in the past few years.
3. Seven Springs Estate, Westchester County - Value : $40 M
This 13 bedroom mansion is housed in 213 acres of land. Located outside Bedford in Westchester County, this property was purchased in 1995 by Trump for $7.5 mn. Presently valued at $40 mn, it is one of his most luxurious properties.
4. Nike Town in Trump Tower - Value : $46 M
Nike Tower is under the ownership of Nike and Trump has a $46 mn bond for the building.
5. Penthouse in Trump Tower - Value : $50 M
Valued at $50 mn, this is where Donald Trumps. The total area of this luxurious penthouse is 30,000 sq ft. It is laid with diamond, marble and gold décor.
6. Trump Park Avenue In New York - Value : $100,00 per Apartment
The property is located at 59th Street Park Avenue. The monthly rental for one apartment is $100,000. There are 23 apartments in total. The penthouse units fetched $21 mn and he stayed in one of them in the 27th Floor before selling it.
7. Mar-a-Lago in Florida - Value : $250 M
He has never stayed here and this is the second estate owned by him in Palm Beach area. It has been converted into private clubs. Weddings take place in this property and Eric Trump’s marriage function also was held here. The property is currently valued at $250 mn but was purchased in 1985 for $10 mn. The total area is 213 acres.
8. Trump International Hotel and Tower, New York - Value : $1.2 B
It is located on the banks of River Chicago. It is the second most expensive of Trump’s properties. The total value of the building is $1.2 bn and his stake is $112 mn. The height of the building is 1170 feet and it has 339 hotel rooms.
9. Trump Place in Riverside South, New York - Value : $1.7 B
Trump Palace is the mot expensive building owned by Trump and situated in New York. It was sold to Carlyle Group for $1.7 bn in 2005. He was involved in a litigation over its sale with the two partners of the Trump Organisation-Hudson Waterfront Associates and Extell Development Company.