William Makepeace Thackeray Quotes
William Makepeace Thackeray, English writer whose notoriety lays mainly on Vanity Fair (1847–48), a novel of the Napoleonic period in England, and The History of Henry Esmond, Esq. (1852), set in the mid eighteenth century. In the late 1830s Thackeray turned into a remarkable benefactor of articles on differed themes to Fraser's Magazine, The New Monthly Magazine, and, later, to Punch.
On Love

"To love and win is the best thing. To love and lose, the next best"
His work was unsigned or composed under such nom de plumes as Mr. Michael Angelo Titmarsh, Fitz-Boodle, The Fat Contributor, or Ikey Solomons. He gathered the best of these early works in Miscellanies. With Vanity Fair, the main work distributed under his own particular name, Thackeray embraced the arrangement of distributed a novel serially in month to month parts that had been so effectively utilized by Dickens.
The later works incorporate Pendennis, a Bildungsroman delineating the transitioning of Arthur Pendennis, a modify personality of Thackeray, who likewise highlights as the storyteller of two later booWilliam Makepeace Thackeray Quotesks, The Newcomes and The Adventures of Philip. The Newcomes is vital for its basic depiction of the "marriage market," while Philip is known for its semi-self-portraying delineation of Thackeray's initial life, in which he mostly recaptures some of his initial humorous force.
Thackeray’s writings have always inspired everyone. The depth that his writings convey has always motivated his readers to a large extent. His quotes have always shown his spirit to love and fight to win the best thing in life.EnglandWilliam Makepeace Thackeray Quotes