Frank Tyger Quotes
Frank Tyger (also known as Franklin Tyger) was an American Journalist and Cartoonist. He was a creative soul, with a natural ability to draw he used to sketch portraits of his family members. Frank got his first experience with news world during his high school, he use to edit the school paper named Tilden Topics.

"Doing what you like is freedom Liking what you do is happiness"
After graduating from high school, frank completed his higher education from City College of NY and Cartoonist and Illustrators School. Frank also served in the US Army for 2 Years as a Cryptographer. After his service in the US Army, he settled down in Trenton, NJ and had taken many jobs in marketing and advertising. Frank’s first cartoon published nation-wide in 1954.
Frank always expressed his feelings and ideas through his writing, drawing and his words. He was the master of the one-liner quotes. His works published nationally in a variety of print media including but not limited to the Wall Street Journal, Reader’s Digest and Forbes Magazine. Frank also received various awards for humanity. In 1998 he received Lifetime Humanitarian Award for the outstanding services he provided to the community. In 1994 he was also named Kiwanis Man of the Year.
Besides an author of numerous quotes and humor writing, which are mainly attributed towards life. His published quotes were famous throughout the nation. Frank Tyger was also a keen collector of quotes written by others. After a courageous battle with Parkinson’s disease, a loving son, brother, uncle and brother-in-law passed away in 2011.